I thought it would be a funny easter egg to have some of the famous celebrities in this game THIS IS JUST FOR LAGUHS DON'T GET OFFENDED.chuck can kill you with or without mods for those of you who don't know Neil Fallon is the lead singer of CLUTCH the greatest band of all time YES I AM SERIOUS
I thought it would be a funny easter egg to have some of the famous celebrities in this game THIS IS JUST FOR LAGUHS DON'T GET OFFENDED.chuck can kill you with or without mods for those of you who don't know Neil Fallon is the lead singer of CLUTCH the greatest band of all time
There are plenty of...ah..."special" people in TES games. They're called "male Bosmer." :rimshot:
Anyway, I'll cast a write-in vote since the poll suffers from bias: No
I dont get why everyone has to just straight up say no. Like its impossible for you guys to have a little fun.You rrrrrrrrrrealllly think hes serious about this?
A beggar AND a Pimp. . . Those things almost seem mutually exclusive. . . I suppose if anyone could manage it, Tiger Blooded Charlie Sheen Could, half Kajiit that he is. . . or is he from Po Tang (or whatever that isle of Tiger folk and Tsaccei are from.
Why would you want to vote no to such glorious additions, anyway?
In fact, they're so great that I'm sure Todd saw this and immediately halted all work on Skyrim not related to realizing these characters in-game ASAP.