My past experience has been this: I own a player house, usually added by a mod. I come home after a hard day killing, well, whatever. I lay my sword on a table. I do not put it into a container. During the night, a crisis arises in the Empire and I dash off, leaving my favorite sword on the table.
If I come back in three days, my sword is gone, lost forever, because the cell has respawned. However, in looking at the thread for the mod "SPAWN," I see a number of people claiming this does not happen. So some questions:
Question 1: When a cell respawns, do all the items NOT IN CONTAINERS disappear? This is fairly critical as I like to leave potions, stones, runeskulls lying around as decorations. Also, I've an idea that I'd decorate the mages/fighters guilds with some of the trophies I found while completing the quests. And I don't want to loose them when those cells respawn.
Question 2: In terms of dungeon, cell respawners, which do you prefer? Which is currently being supported? I like the sounds of SPAWN, but in reading the thread, some people seem to have had some problems, and the mod is not being supported?I think I can accomplish a global solution by using Wrye Bash, too. Which is the best solution?
Question 3: Here's is what I'd like to see happen. My Cyrodiil world no longer operates on a three day clock. I can enter a dungeon one day, and six days later go back and maybe it's still empty. Or maybe it's respawned. Or maybe if I spend more than six or eight hours in dungeon, the cells behind me (multi-cell dungeon) would respawn, so that I'd find enemies waiting for me on the way out. I'd also like to be able to put my sword on the table or a stone on a shelf, and not loose it because I went away three days. However, and this may be asking too much, I'd like those containers marked for respawn (certain mods that add food or food and beverage containers that respawn with the cell) to respawn.
Maybe the solution is to create "food" leveled lists and spawn points? Is that even possible?
Is this too much to ask for?