There's no top menu. There's only one window, the Cell View window which pops up. I've no idea how to load anything, as I only have a Cell View window. There's no Menu on the Cell Window, only a spot for coordinates, and a dropdown for World Space (Interior or Wasteland). This doesn't look like any of the pictures or videos I've seen of the program, as they have multiple windows and a top menu, ect. I just have Cell View window. And uninstalling and reinstalling G.E.C.K. doesn't seem to help.
Alright, Just in case someone suggests it, I've uninstalled and reinstalled Fallout 3 as well. The same problem is persisting...I'm out of ideas, does anyone know how to fix this problem? The only thing that comes up (period) when I run GECK, is the Cell View window. Nothing else. No options at the top, no top bars, no drop bars, nothing but that window.