Well none of them are completely mutually intelligible apart from geographically close dialects, but they're all similar enough. Irish and Highland Gaelic, slightly closer than English and German to each other, as they only really became separate at all after the 16th century. Manx is a bit further apart as it's the one with the most Brythonic influence, but it's closer to Irish.
EDIT: Chan eil mi a' tuigsinn. (chan yil mee u-took-shin). It's easier to start with real basics than whole phrases, though.
EDIT 2: Gabhaibh mo leisgeul = excuse me.
Halo = hello.
Tapadh leibh/leat = thank you.
Càit a bheil an taigh beag = where's the loo?
Dè = what is?
Dè Ghàidhlig ... a thair = what is ... in Gaelic?
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