» Fri Mar 01, 2013 4:45 pm
If Crytek think that buying weapons through some special way without earning it makes a AAA game.
Think again. From what I hear, Warface does that, so not interested in that game now.
I would've put tribes:acsend to my first best F2P list, but again... Stupid pay2win.
I think dota2 would be considered to have the triple A title for a f2p, too bad I svck at that game. =PP
I don't know of the idea of crytek being a service company, I mean, the only thing I like these DRM type of things is Steam..
Oh yeah, I hate the fact that EA says they might stop making single player based games, read this in some source somewhere can't remember, anyway, that does annoy me... What about games like Elder scrolls? Hitman? Far cry 3? Mass effect? Fallout? They're single player games, yet an awesome job they do too, makes me play all the time...