So, I finally got it made to ge the 'Flash' machine running. I'm slowly making progress with learning the code by trial and failing, probably more failing then trialing, but whatever. I assume coding is easier then getting the whole train rolling. It took me three month to figure that all the compile errors resulted of using the wrong version of Flash CS. There's tons of sources out there that use diverse versions of CS, the one I'm building on is obviously using CS6, despite SkyUI team said they're using CS4. But whatever, that's another story, I'm just glad I can finally concentrate on coding.
So, changing shape, size and color inside Flash is most easily done, but I want to achieve that on the fly inside the game. One could extend this to changing shape/size and color of ALL UI elements, but for the moment, I'd be pleased if someone can tell me in which .as I exactly find the code to manipulate Map Marker icons? And if you're in good mute, maybe also grant a little AS code snippet on how to initiate this.