In order to make your Chain spells more powerful you have to invest heavily into Destruction,Restoration and Illusion, getting them all up to first 75 then 100.Once you do that then you can go to town basically and have lots of fun creating various different spells for all occasions.Here are a few more for you :hubbahubba: Chain Soul Catcher = soul trap 4 sec on target,fire/shock damage 30 points for 1 sec on target,invisibility for 4 sec on self, fortify magicka 100 points for 2/3 sec on self.
Chain Flee = fortify magicka 100 points for 2/3 sec on self, demoralise 25 points for 1 sec on target, shock damage 30 points for 1 sec on target, invisibility for 4 sec on self.
Cave Explorer = light 30ft for 20 sec on self, invisibility for 20 sec on self, detect life 30ft for 20 sec on self.
A strong Back = fortify strength 100 points for 15 sec on self, feather 100 points for 15 sec on self.
Chain Of Death ( my personnal favourite ) = fortify magicka 100 points for 4 sec on self, drain health 100 points for 2 sec on target, weakness to magicka 100% for 5 sec on target, invisibilty for 4 sec on self..( you may have to put fortify magicka at the end of this, depends on what your character is etc )
A sitting target = fortify magicka 100 points for 2 sec on self, damage fatigue 75 points for 1 sec on target, weakness to magicka 100% for 5 sec on target, invisibility for 5 sec on self ( this is ideal for warrior types as they can finish their victims off at leisure )
Once you get the hang of creating spells its fairly easy from then, and the good thing about Chain Spells is even an Orc warrior can use them.The main thing you have to remember is when you`re on the podium creating your spell, you have to pay attention to the thunder bolt icon in the bottom left corner!!! Next to the icon is a number, this number HAS to remain between 45 an 49 in order for any chain spell to work.A chain spell is a spell that sends an endless barrage of spells towards your opponent, fortify magicka allows you to do that.Your magic bar will deplete by 80% very quickly, this is when fortify magicka kicks in, it will maintain that final 20% on a pernament basis for as long as you press the magic button =) Earlier today my new friend CHIMPY created one of my chain spells and got it to work perfectly on his PC, so there you go folks, its now official, they do indeed work. Even the Gatekeeper in the Shivering Isles can`t withstand my chain spells, so feel free to try them for yourselves.
Got a slightly different version of the Chain of Death spell here, your destruction needs to be 75/100 for this due its power:
fortify magicka 100 pts for 2 sec on self, damage health 34 pts for 1 sec on target, invisibility 3 sec on self, weakness to magic 100% for 4 sec on target..( this is a powerful spell that will kill any human or elf opponent in 3-5 blasts of magic.Its basically the weakness to magicka that makes this spell work, so the more you can extend it - the better, around 4-6 secs is perfect,enjoy)
If you do decide to give Chain Spells a go then remember you may have to alter the numbers slightly to make the spell work,as no two characters are the same, and keep the total Magicka cost within 45-49 =)