Thanks Phitt, that's good info there, much to think about.
BUT, something I need to know is this: you said earlier that the camera itself shows the rainfall, right? Well, is there a way to set the camera so that it appears XX distance AWAY from the player? This would give the SAME rain effects surely? There must be a way of manipulating the rain effects as they appear in the camera view so they appear further away from the player, surely?
The camera is always where you are - that means you, the real person behind the monitor. It's your view port. If you play in 1st person the camera is in your character's head, if you play in 3rd person the camera is where you zoomed out to.
You could manipulate the rain nif, but you can't grab it with a script. So it's either all or nothing. If you move the rain away from the camera it will always be away from it in game. There is no reference, it's just a nif attached to a weather type. Maybe with Nifscript something like that could be possible, but I'm not sure whether it would be practicable since Nifscript creates new nifs on the fly and you'd need a lot of new nifs for a smooth transition. But then, even though you say I'm an expert, I don't know much about Nifscript and its inner workings. So maybe ask in the Nifscript thread whether it could theoretically work.
If you're walking forward and looking forward and going into i.e. stable, you probably won't pay much attention to rain so the change won't be that noticeable. I agree that it wouldn't be perfect...
But could it be like 'semi automated' like I mentioned above? Having some cube activator that would be hand-placed in every stable and that would call same fake rain from dummy cell when conditions are met (player inside trigger, rainy weather) and send it back else?
The rain is not anywhere from the player, it's 'on your screen'. Like health bar and compass and other stuff.
But if you'd walk out of the stable you'd notice it even more I guess. I think it could be semi automated, but it would require placing rain effects around all the stables, bridges and the like in game. And scripting them. And making sure that all that is compatible with all the different weather mods.
The rain actually is somewhere. It is a particle effect with a box emitter that is 1700 units large. That emitter is tied to the camera node. You can find the nif in meshes\sky. You can place it independent from weather somewhere in the game.