at level 1 i can encounter bandits that are, say, level 5 , and even a single bandit is a danger to me existence.
as i approach a bandit camp i see 3 bandits so i stay away.
as i level up to level 10 i can squish an average level 5 bandit with a single blow. visiting this camp later i can see these 3 bandits and i smash their face in in 10 seconds.
if the game doesnt auto scale than encountering and defeating bandits is no longer a challenge and fun affair therefor killing them is more of a chore than satisfaction. auto leveling bandits will keep the tension but won't make that much sense and wont give me the sense i progressed.
what would u think if , when visiting the camp at level 10, the bandits remain at level 5 but instead of 3 of them there will be 8? u can still feel powerful enough to kill a single bandit with ease but their increased number will drive the challenge.
i dont mean that if at level 10 i encounter 10 bandits at that camp so at level 25 i will encounter 20. doesnt make sense and will look weird. if there are 20 bandits in one place they might as well start a town.
i mean that there will be a limit to how many bandits are in that camp (say 10 is max) so once 10 bandits, according to the game's calculations, are too easy for the player, THEN there will be slight auto-scaling to the 1 bandits will be of higher levels but still weak compared to the player. a slight leveling up for NPC does make sense IMO since ppl tend to find\buy better equipment and keep it or improve their own.
in the poll:
option 1 - means that it's the same idea as i depicted here.
option 2 - same idea but the enemies never level up. they increase in number to a threshold that makes sense for that kind of enemy (maybe 10 bandits makes sense but not 10 giants. giants can be limited to 2) but there enemies never change their intended level.
option 3 - kinda like oblivion. always challenging and every fight is tense, but not enough sense of progression.
option 4 - like MW - a good sense of progression and power but too easy.
option 5 - my solution to this is more complicated than that. ( i hope ppl will avoid this option, frankly).
I wish this thread will be kinda dedicated to the idea i brought forth and not to a debate about auto-scaling since we have enough of these