Lore on inter species relations disagrees.
What? You mean the in-game stuff?
They already have been together in the past. The looks didnt matter then (A certain Imperial and Orc from Oblivion), why would they now? Your an expert on alien attractiveness though right?
I didn't say they hadn't. I've read books in-game that said interbreeding between elves and men was especially common in High Rock waaaaaaay in the past. I'm just saying that for them to have done so believably, they had to have looked pretty similar in the grand scheme of things, or they simply wouldn't have been physically attracted to each other as potential mates. Lots of things look
pretty or visually attractive without being at all sixually attractive. The Khajiit and Argonians are attractive - but if you find them
sixually attractive then you need to find a good therapist, and fast.
Long story short: Differences like differing ear shape and skin tone and hair consistency and shape of the nose and eye color are commonly exotic and no barrier to attraction - but strong differences in the proportion of the face are simply a great obstacle to sixual attraction.