I just recently obtained a piece of legendary armor which was a left arm chameleon piece of armor which helps sneak and seems to work similar to Chinese stealth armor from fallout 3. Anyways when this is worn and u crouch an with invisibility when crouched. When activated it causes the pipboy to be literally unviewable ,it actually shows nothing and has alot of glare, especially if u are outside when the sun is the brightest and there are godrays present. The effect is also just as bad indoors or dark areas. When I used this is fallout 3 this ill affect was not present and I know others are def experiencing this as I've seen on other forums, fortunately for PC players there are mods and fixes for this but I'm playing on Xbox one so no go there. I really enjoy this armor so hopefully a fix is coming soon as I don't think this is working as intended, at least I hope not and I do have the latest patch. This is my first post on a forum like this and I'm a longtime fan of the recent series starting with fallout 3 and also all the elder scrolls games , 100% completion and loving fallout 4 , only have 156hrs on my current play through, Xbox gamertag vault101boi if anyone wants to look me up and socialize about Bethesda games and whatnot.
Thanks guys
Oh and BTW is there anywhere specific besides here to report bugs to Bethesda.