mAXL1- You'll find out about the various women soon enough

hauteecole rider- I was going to include the walk, but I just figured I'd have him show up at Crucible since there's plenty of walking involved in the other quests
GC Rust- Thank you! I know it was a bit odd to make it so, but 1) I had an idea for the power received when you walk through the Mania gate and 2) it's a shorter route to New Sheoth if you take the Dementia path and Wrothken can be pretty lazy about walking

The palace of New Sheoth was glamorous compared to Crucible. The castle and walls were made from grey brick. The right side was lit with blue flames and more Mazken walked around. On the left, gold dominated the area, with bright flame and gold skinned women wearing gold armor.
The area was silent and serene, though Wrothken sensed hostility. He watched the women carefully, noticing the hate in their eyes any time they looked at each other.
He jumped, seeing a golden woman walk up to him. She was nothing like the Mazken he spoke to before. She seemed to look down upon him. "What business do you have here?"
"Lord Sheogorath to you, Mortal."
"Okay... Lord Sheogorath wanted to see me."
She huffed. "Are you the one who slayed the Gatekeeper?"
He nodded.
"Very well. He is in the center doors of the palace. Now go."
Wrothken stared at her as she walked away. Who lit the fuse on her... Oh forget it, he thought walking down the path to the doors. There were two of them with a woman from each group standing guard. The Mazken smiled at him as he approached, and the other one glared. He walked to the Mazken.
"Don't let the Aureal get to you. Their attitudes are most disgraceful to our Lord Sheogorath."
She sneered at a passing gold woman. "The so-called Golden Saints. One day, Lord Sheogorath will finally recognize their bull-headed stupidity and expel them from the Realm."
He nodded and entered the castle.
Just like outside, the interior was divided. The right side had yellow flames and the carpet was bright red. The left, was lit by blue fire and had black carpet. The carpets went right up into the throne where a man sat. "Well, look who's here! You! How about that?" he cried. Wrothken recognized his voice from the door in Cyrodiil.
He was clapping as Wrothken approached. He appeared to be a wise man, with gray hair neatly slicked back, a distinguished beard, and a few wrinkles. However, one look in his amber eyes told him he was exactly the opposite.
"A new arrival!" He shouted, clapping him on the back. "A shame about my Gatekeeper. I'm so happy, I could just tear out your intestines and strangle you with them."
Wrothken felt a chill inside and he wanted to take a step back, but Sheogorath had his arm firmly around him.
"I suppose an introduction is in order. I'm Sheogorath, Prince of Madness! And other things. I'm not talking about them." He said, folding his arms. "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them! But, perhaps now's not the time. You've made it this far. Farther than anyone else. Well done! Take this trinket of mine. Perhaps it will serve you well. Or look lovely on your corpse." He handed Wrothken a copper amulet. It felt warm and when Wrothken put it on, he felt a light tingling sensation around his skin.
Sheogorath didn't wait for Wrothken to say anything before continuing. "I've been waiting for you, or someone like you, or someone other than you, for some time. I need a champion, and you've got the job," he said, poking Wrothken in the chest. "Time to save the Realm! Rescue the damsel! Slay the beast! Or die trying. Your help is required. A change is coming. Everything changes. Even Daedric Princes. Especially Daedric Princes."
"Change?" He asked. "What kind of change?"
"Daedra are the embodiment of change. Change and permanency. I'm no different, except in the ways that I am. The Greymarch is coming. And you're going to stop it."
"The what?"
"The details aren't important. At least not right now. Eternity is on a rather tight deadline. We'll get back to that later."
Wrothken's head was spinning. To say this man was off-balance was an understatement. He wanted something stopped, yet the details weren't important? He didn't press because he wasn't sure what would happen, what with talk of skipping rope with intestines...
"Okay, so what should I do now?" Wrothken asked.
"Now? You run an errand for me. An important one. Of course, anything I tell you to do is important. My Realm, my rules. You're going to Xedilian, one of my favorite spots in the Isles. It's a little place I use to take care of unwanted visitors. And some are more unwanted than others."
Wrothken wasn't sure if he had been one of those "unwanted visitors," but if it would keep his innards in place, he was willing to do anything.
"What's in Xedilian?"
"The Gatekeeper took care of most of the unwanted, but he's dead. We'll have to remedy that soon, as well...." He cleared his throat. "Anyway... there are those that have other ways into my Realm, and they're on the move. We don't want them here. Trust me. So, you're going to get Xedilian up and running. Here's a little book to tell you how, and the Attenuator of Judgement. You'll need that, too." He handed Wrothken what appeared to be a tuning fork and a book. "Of course, you can always get more details from Haskill. He's a detail-oriented type of person. A big help. And a snappy dresser. Now, get going. Before I change my mind. Or my mind changes me."
Wrothken looked at Haskill. There was no way he was going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he was confused.
He opened the book and headed back to Crucible.
The book caught Wrothken's full attention. Not only did it explain what exactly to do, it showed a few sides to Sheogorath. The writer seemed almost fearful of any consequences he might pay for any mistake. Just as he was about to turn the page, he collided with someone, knocking her to the ground.
He gasped, seeing Kalila glaring up at him. She was dressed the same way as before, only her pants were rolled up, exposing her toned legs. "Oh.. I'm so sorry! Here," he said, holding his hand out.
She ignored it, and got up on her own. Her eyes were like daggers, saying everything her mouth wasn't. She turned andheaded away from him. It took awhile to realize that he was staring after her. He regained control of himself and shook his head violently. Maybe it was her stark contrast to Awour that was attracting him to her, but he promised Bernice that he would be careful... though there was no harm in looking, right?
He sat down outside a shop and pulled out his map. Xedilian was a ways away, located southeast of Passwall. He was happy to see that Knotty Bramble was on the way. As he folded up his map, he heard someone call to him.
"Hey you!"
He looked over at a blond man hiding around the building's corner. "Come over here. I need to talk to you."
Wrothken looked around and walked up to him. "Yes?"
"I've got a proposition for you. Best not to talk about it here. Meet me at the sewer grate northeast of the Sheogorath statue. Come after dark. Come alone." He then walked away.
Wrothken stared after him. What was the proposition? And why did he want it alone and night? Well, there was the obvious... But he didn't think it was that. The man looked and sounded miserable. He shrugged. There was no time to think about it now. He had a few important errands to run.