[REQ] Change to Alchemy Mastery

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:28 pm

Hello all,

I've always had an issue with the Alchemy mastery perk. I like the idea of combining ingredients and getting the effects from the components working together. But once you reach master level, it removes this "minigame" element from Alchemy and that kinda irks me.

Are there any mods out there which change the mastery level perk to something equally useful but which retains the combining ingredients concept?

Has this ever bothered anyone else?
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:06 am

Has this ever bothered anyone else?

Well no, because you still need to combine ingredients for more complex recipes. The Master's perk only works on the very first property of an ingredient, so unless you want a bunch of Restore Fatigue potions, it's not really all that useful. If you want something that has 3 or 4 effects, which is what you should be striving for, then you still need to combine. If you're making nothing but 1 effect potions, then you really aren't utilizing alchemy very well. While having a potion/poison with 4 effects can be a bit hard to come by, 3 isn't all that difficult once you get to that level.
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Luna Lovegood
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