Change first person camera height

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:52 pm


i've googled, searched TESNexus and these forums to no avail...

My problem is: I started a game choosing Mazken (from Cobl Races) as my Rogues race. Took me like 15 hours into the game to decide that she's far too tall.

player.setscale 0.8 worked fine for 3rd person view, but the camera in 1st person view is still at its original height, causing weirdness when switching view in front of people (smaller in third person, taller in 1st person, making their heads snap up to look at me).

Anybody know of a way to change camera height?

Thanks =)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:23 pm


i've googled, searched TESNexus and these forums to no avail...

My problem is: I started a game choosing Mazken (from Cobl Races) as my Rogues race. Took me like 15 hours into the game to decide that she's far too tall.

player.setscale 0.8 worked fine for 3rd person view, but the camera in 1st person view is still at its original height, causing weirdness when switching view in front of people (smaller in third person, taller in 1st person, making their heads snap up to look at me).

Anybody know of a way to change camera height?

Thanks =)

Easiest you could do is open up the Construction Kit and simply edit the height of the race you chose. As its a custom race, it will only affect your character.
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