At this moment, and with respect to the field of video games, this is true. All developers and all producers should be attempting to change everything, because no game has ever been perfect, and no game ever will be perfect.
The limit is only practicality, or what is reasonably possible in our real world. As far as practicality goes, change for the sake of change is always going to be good in this field, because it is not possible for a game to ever achieve real perfection.
My advice: Don't start a business which amounts to generating sales of some kind of product you produce. Customers don't take lightly to not having the slightest idea what they can expect from you. If your first product is great and then you change everything and the second product is crap, chances are you'll never get a third chance, and if you do, it won't sell.
If you aren't happy with the way things are then doing something to fix it is always the right action. Perhaps trying to affect a change in your life through the use of a gun is not the right answer, but something is.
Edit: plus, if you had a gun to your head originally, and were pulling the trigger, you better be damn sure that some kind of change is the right answer...
when you are doing business, you always have a gun at your head. It's called bankruptcy. And if you aren't happy with the way things are, but things are selling great, you should be veeeeeery careful with your attempts to fix things, because what counts in the end is not if you are happy but the customers. It's great if you can idfentify with your product, but if you're the only one, chances are that won't exactly fill your fridge.