I think they spread the Power Armour around so early explorers will have a good chance of coming across a suit.
I have over 30 of them, obtained by various means.
You really only need one suit for yourself and perhaps a frame for your companion.
I tried giving my companions kitted out suits but they trash them in seconds and you are forever repairing them.
As the game progresses they give you a chance of getting the highest level components.
So as i said you can easily obtain 30+ frames from around the map.
Some at known points.
You can buy frames from various vendors and attach looted or purchased parts to those frames.
Re: respawning suits
You can confiscate whole suits from opponents by various in game means, some involving stealth others combat techniques.
Those opponents respawn their suits so you can go back after a few days and confiscate another one if you want.
I liked to mix and match and apply decorative paint jobs to them purely from a collectors perspective.
The utility combat suit had upgraded suspension for increased carry weight. Melee upgrades and a health paint job.
Eventually I parked a suit at each settlement and traversed the map in ordinary non protective clothing.
You can run really fast in plain clothes.