unfortunately i spilled some milk over my keyboard and now the console key isn't working anymore. Is there a way to customize the console key (chaning it via txt-file or something)?
unfortunately i spilled some milk over my keyboard and now the console key isn't working anymore. Is there a way to customize the console key (chaning it via txt-file or something)?
give me some time i am working on it...a couple minutes...
You can download a mod to change key binding (including the console)
Go there and download this utility. You can create hotkey(s) with that on your desktop.
http://www.autohotkey.com/ and choose download.
Install the application and follow the instructions...
Setup --> Express installation --> Run Autohotkey --> Would you like to create a sample script--> Yes. (after that close the window)
So...NOW: Right click with your mouse on your desktop --> New --> AutoHotkey Script. (left click with your mouse...Done)
After that you see on your desktop an icon "New AutoHotkey Script" with a big H on it.
Right click --> Edit Script --> and right this on it (mark all the below with your mouse and copy-paste to your opened "New AutoHotkey Script")
; Map grave accent/tilde key (`/~)
F12::SendEvent {vkC0sc029}
+F12::SendEvent +{vkC0sc029}
; On some systems you may need to use the less optimal mapping
Then go to File --> Save and save it. (close the window after that.)
Now you see on the bottom right corner of your desktop a Green H.
That will map F12 to grave accent (`) and Shift+F12 to tilde (~).
(The grave accent (`) key is the same physical key as tilde on US English keyboards.)
So, actually you will hit (SHIFT + F12) and if all goes well (i hope so) you will get your console open.