Everything seemed to work well - except, I couldn't change view (default command: "F"). So, I switched cameras (from KTs_Centercamera.esp to Overhead3PCamera.esp), didn't work; deactivated and then de-installed mods that I thought might interfere with each other in that respect (RH_IronSights, ART, FO3 to FPS, Scavenger World Updated), didn't work; deactivated every mod - that helped as little as an almost Vanilla Ini.
I have now de-installed all mods (BAIN makes this easy) and, not surprisingly, the "change view"-ability has returned. So, obviously, I have to reinstall them in small packs and look for the re-appearance of the bug - but maybe you have already experienced that phenomenon and can tell me what incompatibility suppresses "change view".
I have the suspicion, it's something painfully obvious that I just don't see because of the many changes I made in my LOs.
BTW, yes, I had forgotten to add two compatibility patches from Fallout Remastered before I copied the LO - I added them later but that didn't help with my problem.
Active Mod Files:
00 Fallout3.esm [CRC: C092218B]01 Anchorage.esm [CRC: A4BA9D10]02 ThePitt.esm [CRC: B38B3E44]03 BrokenSteel.esm [CRC: 30011B79]04 PointLookout.esm [CRC: D92704D8]05 Zeta.esm [CRC: 1D017E23]06 FNNsys.esm [CRC: 71419288]07 Inventory Access.esm [CRC: 269183D8]08 Impervious Power Armour.esm [CRC: D974BDB5]09 CRAFT.esm [CRC: AE67CA57]0A CALIBR.esm [Version 1.4] [CRC: 67CE3320]0B Project Beauty.esm [CRC: 67951301]0C Weapon Repair Kits - Final.esm [CRC: 7C25DB0B]0D [DC RANGER ARSENAL v3 MASTER].esm [CRC: DB9D56D1]0E tubrrCompound.esm [CRC: 76716ACE]0F Big Town Overhaul.esm [CRC: 74D11DA1]10 Vault 101 Revisited.esm [CRC: 848D8679]11 GNRBuilding_BoS.esm [CRC: 10FE926B]12 EVE.esm [CRC: C106D148]13 Apocalypse Armory.esm [CRC: 8E0067B8]14 Mart's Mutant Mod.esm [CRC: 895521AD]15 Arwen_Core.esm [CRC: 2E6050C8]16 Companion Core.esm [CRC: 06F02E35]17 RobCo Certified v2.esm [CRC: E363B7D7]18 DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm [CRC: 9CF0BF02]19 RH_IRONSIGHTS.esm [CRC: 2EE2065B]1A Zumbs' Overhauled Real Time Security.esm [CRC: 43517F5E]1B BobbleHead Collectors Book.esm [CRC: BBF3C6E1]1C DarNifiedUIF3.esp [CRC: 33D1F89A]** Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp [CRC: 652432DA]** Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp [CRC: 431457E1]1D CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp [CRC: CC4B88A5]1E CRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esp [CRC: F337F5D4]1F TinCanCRAFTing.esp [Version 2.0] [CRC: A37E7C24]20 CALIBRxMerchant.esp [CRC: FC210D3A]21 KTs_Centercamera.esp [CRC: 2654EE5A]++ RH_IronSights_Basic_VanillaPlugin.esp [CRC: B801247C]++ RH_IronSights_Basic_AnchoragePlugin.esp [CRC: 7EF88F51]22 RH_IronSights_Basic_PittPlugin.esp [CRC: F4974E27]++ RH_IronSights_Basic_BrokenSteelPlugin.esp [CRC: A1FEB067]23 RH_IronSights_Basic_PointLookoutPlugin.esp [CRC: 7578E98E]24 RH_IronSights_Basic_ZetaPlugin.esp [CRC: 9449EB44]25 RH_IronSights_Pitt_NewRifleSights.esp [CRC: A9268C1E]26 RH_IronSights_PL_NewItems.esp [CRC: EE22209F]27 RH_IronSights_Vanilla_NewWeapons.esp [CRC: F8D640D5]28 GNR Enhanced.esp [CRC: 7BD44307]29 R.A.C.E. Station.esp [CRC: DA7884ED]++ GeneratorSound.esp [CRC: F7DEFF71]2A RemoteControlCompanionsPlus.esp [CRC: 6CAE2D7A]2B NotSoFast.esp [Version 1.07] [CRC: FFF16D14]2C TecVault.esp [CRC: E5CA92E6]2D RZW_SimpleGrab.esp [CRC: 54B98A3F]2E MarkB50K_Wasteland_Patrols.esp [CRC: 976C8F99]2F Laurens_Bathroom_poetry_V1.esp [CRC: D8A75C40]30 tubRRCompound.esp [CRC: DEF7A2A3]31 HouseholdWaterPurifier.esp [CRC: B6F9192C]32 1Animated Nightvision goggles.esp [CRC: 2C6663C1]33 MaintenanceShed.esp [Version 1.3] [CRC: E9DA4A4A]34 MoreMapMarkers.esp [CRC: A3FD97F7]35 PL More map markers.esp [CRC: 2F24F867]36 MTC Wasteland Travellers.esp [Version 2.0] [CRC: 0A7E3339]37 MTC Wasteland Travellers (Optional)- Crowded Cities less NPCs.esp [CRC: 540018FA]38 Big Town Overhaul [GangStore].esp [CRC: 1D3D234B]39 GNRBuilding_Studio.esp [CRC: 297D104B]3A DCStreet - BS.esp [CRC: A35DAE19]3B MLights.esp [CRC: 7410D00F]3C RangerT HQ.esp [CRC: 313FF28F]3D UndergroundHideout.esp [CRC: 49635CBB]++ DALCO Fixes for Underground Hideout.esp [CRC: 881E4CC3]3E BA_WastelandRestoration.esp [CRC: E4237A64]3F BA_WastelandRestoration_DLCs.esp [CRC: 64C7A0CA]40 Apocalypse Armory.esp [CRC: 263C7D35]41 Apocalypse Armory - CALIBR.esp [CRC: A422B98E]42 Apocalypse Armory - DLC Enhancements.esp [CRC: 69F86CAF]43 FO3toFPS.esp [CRC: E0CCAAB2]44 WeaponModKits.esp [CRC: 3E2861DB]45 WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp [CRC: 729D51D2]46 WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp [CRC: 4C3C90A9]47 WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp [CRC: 80A8FF0F]48 WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp [CRC: 5AD5E950]49 WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp [CRC: 85241841]4A CRAFTable_WMKs.esp [CRC: 1CC9EF60]++ Apocalypse Armory + WMK.esp [CRC: 3618A351]4B Silenced DKS-501.esp [CRC: 00D5B841]4C SolarScorcher.esp [CRC: 9ED9538E]4D [DC RANGER ARSENAL v3] - DLC GEAR.esp [CRC: 842F2693]4E [DC RANGER ARSENAL v3] - ITEM GENERATOR.esp [CRC: EEB31044]4F Advanced Recon Armor.esp [CRC: F58E6888]50 BBBackpacks-v1-1.esp [CRC: 69615C93]51 MicroBikini.esp [CRC: D4F87DAB]52 MissingUniqueArmorClothing-Base.esp [CRC: 6F5BD089]53 Powered Power Armor.esp [CRC: EE4B6291]54 PPA - Operation Anchorage.esp [CRC: A90A480A]55 PPA - Broken Steel.esp [CRC: AC6C2F96]56 PPA - The Pitt.esp [CRC: F0F11983]57 PPA - Mothership Zeta.esp [CRC: BC734E8B]58 SteinerCombatGear.esp [CRC: 2887CA68]59 vaultgirlrp.esp [CRC: 5076F0F5]5A CALIBR Ammo Schematics - CRAFT.esp [CRC: 46BEFA4E]5B Brahmin Dairy Products.esp [CRC: C01A90C2]5C KarmaRevamp1010.esp [CRC: 9921399B]5D Scavenger World - Updated v0.08.esp [CRC: BA1E4F27]++ ZORTS - Custom HP.esp [CRC: 1F57B7ED]5E Companion Core DLC Addon.esp [CRC: 37145CC8]5F RobCo Certified v2 Zeta Addon.esp [CRC: 07E827A3]60 Mr Smith's Scrapyard.esp [CRC: 6B92D1D2]61 NukaColaBottlingStation.esp [CRC: 69267968]++ Empty Nuka-Cola Quantum Bottles.esp [CRC: 5A556ACD]62 EVE.esp [CRC: B4FC1E50]63 EVE Operation Anchorage.esp [CRC: 89DC1FA8]64 Apocalypse Armory + EVE.esp [CRC: F2CF3B12]65 Mart's Mutant Mod.esp [CRC: FB3CE701]66 Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp [CRC: 5D392FF2]67 Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp [CRC: 53DC9D8F]68 Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp [CRC: 89BF5711]++ Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp [CRC: A4E67116]69 Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp [CRC: 627BE465]++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp [CRC: CB6A4B5F]++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp [CRC: 6548C4D4]++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp [CRC: 1AA10DF8]++ Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp [CRC: 3CAF7F12]** Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp [CRC: 7B1D30CA]++ Arwen_GOTY_Realism_Core.esp [CRC: 006B30FF]++ Arwen_GOTY_Hard-Core.esp [CRC: 80C722BD]6A Arwen_Encumbrance.esp [CRC: 3D1260B5]6B Arwen_GOTY_Med-Tec.esp [CRC: DBD13511]++ Arwen_MMM_Med-Tec_Patch.esp [CRC: 4D554A19]6C Arwen_EVE_Patch.esp [CRC: 9B658AFA]6D Arwen_Brahamin_Med-Tec_Patch.esp [CRC: 832E7B7C]6E BoS Diversification.esp [CRC: 80087DB0]6F BoS Diversification - Broken Steel.esp [CRC: F0B9E5EF]70 BOC Diversification.esp [CRC: 56990549]71 BOC Diversification - Operation Anchorage.esp [CRC: A00F4C48]72 Outcast Collection Agent Expanded - DLC Plugin.esp [CRC: 97204D83]++ T3T_MiscItemIcons.esp [CRC: 72D2F552]73 WRK Final - Plugin.esp [CRC: BD9A0160]74 WRK Final - Point Lookout.esp [CRC: 1C3C4059]75 Xepha's Darkened Interiors.esp [CRC: 21E8F2D8]76 Xepha's Darkened Interiors - OA.esp [CRC: 5D6421E7]77 Xepha's Darkened Interiors - BS.esp [CRC: BC89007E]78 Xepha's Darkened Interiors - PL.esp [CRC: 8C03070C]79 ImaginatorFO3.esp [CRC: 868E8275]7A URWLRain.esp [CRC: C1D0A121]++ CRAFT - WCE Warmonger Addon.esp [CRC: C1161EC5]7B Bashed Patch.esp [CRC: 5FC8ABB2]7C Fallout Remastered.esp [CRC: F08CAA53]7D Fallout Remastered - Mart's Mutants Mod.esp [CRC: 81F3957A]