Changes to Crysis 3 from 2

Post » Mon May 14, 2012 11:24 am

Don't know if this'll get read by anybody important, but here goes

For Campaign:
- Bring back the Ceph's affinity for ice, give us some freezing missions, and some frozen multiplayer maps too
- Bring back dual-wielding (like with the AY-69's) (in multiplayer too)
- Bring back squid-shaped Ceph machines
- Bring back the MIKE (in multiplayer too)
- Not really a big thing, but I personally liked having to switch between the 4 modes rather than just stealth and armour. It just felt cool when you got really quick at flicking the mouse at just the right second to switch from speed to strength in order to clear a really wide gap or something like that, and I also enjoyed going around glowing red

For Multiplayer:
- Nerf pummel-rushers (make punching take a really long time to recharge and/or drain energy, and make punches weaker, esp while person is in armour mode). I'm tired of running past someone in cloak and trying to turn and shoot them, but they've already mashed the melee button at light speed so I'm dead. Makes it way too dull and unfair.
- Bring back Power Struggle
- Make it possible (like in a gametype or something) to use the classic campaign Nanosuit rather than Marine/CELL suits
- Have much larger scale maps with higher numbers of people, but also have smaller maps where the number of people is limited (talking about console here, where you can't really change as much; I personally think many of the maps in Cry2 worked much better with 4v4's or 5v5's rather than 6v6, Skyline as an example)
- Bring back vehicles in multiplayer, along with more open maps in which to drive them
- Bring down the damage on the Feline, or give it the biggest spread ever.

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Post » Sun May 13, 2012 9:29 pm

Some good points..

I agree that melee should be altered. If there is a 'strength' mode in the game then that should be used to get the maximum melee but I would go as far as to make melee a 3 hit kill on armoured targets.

I would like to see the default black Nanosuit in MP games. It would most definitely fit in with the Special Ops feel of the Assault mode and could be used in IA games as well.

Nerf the Feline! - this I can't agree with. I am working to get the badge for the Feline and just need 20 headshot kills to complete so I have been using it a lot recently. Its spread is already high, its range is quite poor and its damage doesn't compare to the Scar. The Feline is already weak compared to the Scar so no changes needed.
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Sun May 13, 2012 10:29 pm

Feline would easily be balanced on big maps
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Mon May 14, 2012 3:41 am

Actually it's spread is very low when aiming down the sights (and why wouldn't you?), and it has the ability to be equipped with a reflex sight and assault scope, which yeah keep with Crysis tradition of having any scope on any gun, but when you attached a sniper or assault scope to the SMG in Crysis 2, the bloody thing bounced like it was a helium balloon submerged in water. Feline? Not a chance- it stays completely stable at long range as well as obviously being an SMG that's good at short range. No balance.
The K-Volt is a much better SMG because it's fire rate is much slower and the pellets take time to go far, so you can't hit a moving target with it at long range, but up close, it's deadly, like it should be (or you can shoot someone really far away if they're standing still sniping or something and you feather the trigger)

And melee right NOW is a three-hit with armour, but you can still pull off three punches faster than most guns can shoot someone at point-blank, which is why I think it should have even less damage (like 3 without armour and 3 with unless you're in strength mode if they bring that back), and or take longer time between punches
whack.... whack.... whack
rather than
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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Sun May 13, 2012 9:34 pm

Melee should only kill quickly in strength mode. Or if there's no strength mode at least make it so that you have to "charge" it up like in Crysis 2 single player
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Karine laverre
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Post » Mon May 14, 2012 3:05 am

Exactly, it should take time rather than being able to punch practically as fast as you can mash the button
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Post » Sun May 13, 2012 11:26 pm

Don't know if this'll get read by anybody important, but here goes

For Campaign:
- Bring back the Ceph's affinity for ice, give us some freezing missions, and some frozen multiplayer maps too

- Bring back squid-shaped Ceph machines

- Not really a big thing, but I personally liked having to switch between the 4 modes rather than just stealth and armour. It just felt cool when you got really quick at flicking the mouse at just the right second to switch from speed to strength in order to clear a really wide gap or something like that, and I also enjoyed going around glowing red

I completely agree with these 3 points (the others are good too but these are high on my list). The most important one to me though is have the 4 original modes and I understand your point had so many options and could use them together to do cool moves. Like you mentioned use Speed to gain momentum and then Strength to power jump, you could Speed, Cloak, Strength in any number of creative ways to tackle a situation and I loved that so much.

I also loved the ice levels and squid aliens too, they were a good just seemed fitting and still mysterious in a non cheesy way.

Great points!
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Post » Mon May 14, 2012 1:05 am

Re: melee. we need selectable power mode minimum (although I would prefer separate strength and speed). While in power mode, melee is OHK on un-armoured targets while using fists, and 2HK while using weapon-butt. On armoured foes, fists are 3HK and weapon melee is 5.

This way stops panic-punching altogether, as you need to have your fists out for an OHK on an unarmoured target, as well as retaining the ability of a melee strike to kill a weakened opponent if you run out of ammo (theoretically a 5HK non-power mode melee strike would do 20% damage, which is enough to kill most people who have taken a few hits).

That being said, I'd also like to see armour either drain VERY quickly while power mode is active, or simply not be usable at all while it's active. Otherwise you'll simply have people running about taking advantage of advanced protection AND melee ability. In Crysis wars, you had to make the choice at least; give up your protection and glow red for the ability to OHK punch.
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Christine Pane
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Post » Sun May 13, 2012 10:24 pm

@ MMAMickey: I think you're making it more complicated than it needs to be...
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Mon May 14, 2012 8:52 am

While in power mode, melee is OHK on un-armoured targets while using fists, and 2HK while using weapon-butt.
Make weapon melee 4HK
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Jade Payton
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Post » Sun May 13, 2012 10:45 pm

what about

1) make a 100% pc build with big open level and the latest graphics settings, add the mp from far cry1 and
2) port this build in smaller and weaker form to the current 360 and ps3. Better yet, wait one more year and port the same pc build with pausible the same size levels and lower the graphics a bitt so it can run on the next gen of console! This way you got yourself a nice game on the releasday of one of the next gen consoles and the pc gamer get a kickass crysis3 on pc next year, BEFORE THE CONSOLES!! it been awhile that the pc get a game first....Epic Gamers is making a pc game as we speak, which they will then port to the next gen consoles!!

Think about it Crytek and dont listen to ea on this one! Invest in crysis 3, launch it on pc - without origin please - and then port it to the xbox4 and the ps4
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Sun May 13, 2012 7:43 pm

what about

1) make a 100% pc build with big open level and the latest graphics settings, add the mp from far cry1 and
2) port this build in smaller and weaker form to the current 360 and ps3. Better yet, wait one more year and port the same pc build with pausible the same size levels and lower the graphics a bitt so it can run on the next gen of console! This way you got yourself a nice game on the releasday of one of the next gen consoles and the pc gamer get a kickass crysis3 on pc next year, BEFORE THE CONSOLES!! it been awhile that the pc get a game first....Epic Gamers is making a pc game as we speak, which they will then port to the next gen consoles!!

Think about it Crytek and dont listen to ea on this one! Invest in crysis 3, launch it on pc - without origin please - and then port it to the xbox4 and the ps4

LOL EA don't care about PC gaming, they're purely in it for the money, and the fact Origin lets them sell for high prices and keep a massive percentage of it as profit. If releasing on PC first were profitable, they'd sure as hell do it, but it's not. It'd result in all the console gamers getting butthurt and crying on forums, and then by the time it did hit the consoles, nobody would even remember it. You'd have to spend a ton on marketing just to get people talking about it again.
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Post » Mon May 14, 2012 5:21 am

Ea never ever liked the pc segment, just like Microsoft. Microsoft lett G4W down and made the worst console ever!
If you communicate this to the consolegamer that they will get a better game with longer development time and it will be available on the next gen, I think they dont really mind! How long did the pc gamer had to wait for Alan Wake? Which was a pc only game from the start?

Why marketing? Put i on steam and you got millions of possible pc gamer who are willing to buy C3. EA got origin, so their is your second platform. Make some interview with and and voila...C3 get enough attention for the pc. Micrsoft and sony will take care of the rest when it comes to promoting for the next gen. Strategy and communicatie is key in the go to market. And EA or Crytek is seriously doing it wrong. You actually expect me to spend money on part3 after buying part 2? Really? They messed up and lost my and many other peoples faith when it comes to this serie
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Mon May 14, 2012 5:03 am

You guys may want to start a new topic about marketing Crysis 3 or something, rather than discussing content features...
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Post » Sun May 13, 2012 9:30 pm

@ MMAMickey: I think you're making it more complicated than it needs to be...
Lol nope. The only way to do it properly is to take account of the fact that the nanosuit's ability to create physical force changes with the suit mode.

If they do it (badly) like Crysis 2, then they can stick with the 'simple' version, but that doesn't make my way overcomplicated, it makes their whole nanosuit oversimplified.
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Post » Mon May 14, 2012 3:37 am

i also liked walking around, glowing red in the game
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Post » Mon May 14, 2012 2:59 am

i'm afraid Crysis 3 will be almost Crysis 2 except new locations, weapons and may be few new Cefs.
i bought Crysis 2 with no doubts at the moment i saw it in shop and regreted much later. When Crysis 3 will be released i will download it from torrent this time to be sure i want to pay money for the game. i wont buy Crysis 2 version 2.1, no any more...
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Post » Sun May 13, 2012 8:22 pm

i'm afraid Crysis 3 will be almost Crysis 2 except new locations, weapons and may be few new Cefs.

Unfortunately, the game seems pretty much like this right now. Of course it's still a year away, but it doesn't seem too promising. We might need to wait for Crysis 4 to get a game that matches the first one in quality, since the game will/would certainly be in next gen consoles.
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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Mon May 14, 2012 6:30 am

i'm afraid Crysis 3 will be almost Crysis 2 except new locations, weapons and may be few new Cefs.

Unfortunately, the game seems pretty much like this right now. Of course it's still a year away, but it doesn't seem too promising. We might need to wait for Crysis 4 to get a game that matches the first one in quality, since the game will/would certainly be in next gen consoles.
you know, Metro 2033, Battlefield3, Whitcher2 etc - this games are on PC and consoles as well. but why aren't this games ugly console sh1t? miracle? no, just developers respect ALL platforms.
Crytek CAN make good game if they want to and greedy bastards from EA let them do that i believe
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Mon May 14, 2012 10:32 am

i'm afraid Crysis 3 will be almost Crysis 2 except new locations, weapons and may be few new Cefs.

Unfortunately, the game seems pretty much like this right now. Of course it's still a year away, but it doesn't seem too promising. We might need to wait for Crysis 4 to get a game that matches the first one in quality, since the game will/would certainly be in next gen consoles.
you know, Metro 2033, Battlefield3, Whitcher2 etc - this games are on PC and consoles as well. but why aren't this games ugly console sh1t? miracle? no, just developers respect ALL platforms.
Crytek CAN make good game if they want to and greedy bastards from EA let them do that i believe
Yeah, I have a feeling that EA wants to take the series to COD-like direction.
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Post » Sun May 13, 2012 9:42 pm

Yeah, I have a feeling that EA wants to take the series to COD-like direction.
well, EA don't want, EA MADE it already and it's called Crysis2
single is a bit better than CoD-series, but MP is almost CoD-like (small maps was especially"amaizing"). essentially, CoD is perfect finance model (i don't understand why really!) and everyone wants to cut a piece of that pie, as well as EA, coz they have no such primitive and successfull title.
i hope on 2 things in Crysis 3 at least: stunning picture and BIG locations. if not - let it rip.
anyway i tend to download Crysis 3 from torrent to realise does it worth to be bought or it doesn't. no more buying for luck, Crysis 2 taught me well
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Mon May 14, 2012 6:28 am

I don't think looking to torrent the software first is the right answer here. Assuming there's a demo or a beta of some sort, base your conclusion off of that, or wait it out by default. Just remember, you DON'T have to play Crysis 3, and if all of the information leading up to Crysis 3 you get puts ANY doubt in your mind; simply don't play it.

Piracy is just as self-serving as EA's apparent greed.
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