I'm a bit like you, have'nt played fallout 1 & 2. But as soon as I played FO3, I was hooked. Always played the shooter character but never used VATS except maybe once or twice just to see how it worked , and skills that build that up mixed with explosives (love those mines..) , rarely melee or unarmed @ times, depending on the situation. But in fallout NV, Again, playing the shooter (can't help myself..heheh.and still no using VATS.) but with a twist, cause of the story line and I have this fixation to run NV according to my terms, eg. no faction only Yes man & on very hard level but so far not hard core mode ( I will one day..hehe) so my character style relies on a combo of Guns, Repair, sneak & barter. I must say, its challenging without using a lot of stimpacks or implants but this time having iron sights really brings the shooter genre into itself. Also, I don't like using companions...