
Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:35 pm

Name the one thing you would change. Now what I mean is one thing you would change from Oblivion to Skyrim. Like somthing they changed/took out from Morrowind to Oblivion, or somthing they changed/added in from Morrowind to Oblivion or somthing you would just want to see put in the games period.

Me personaly I would like to see them bring back the HUGE variety of weapons that were in Morrowind. But add to it, like being able to use a pitchfork, knife, fork, spoon, rake, hoe, shovel, miners pick, lawn gnome, nord severed leg, crossbow hallberd, throwing stars/knifes/darts, etc... If it's in the game we should be able to use it for somthing weather it be a weapon, armor or a miscellaneous item every item should have a use.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:26 am

A more PC oriented game. For example...Don't make the population of the main city 300 when PCs can handle much much more. Maybe make a official "Mod" download that the PC players download as they install it to make these changes.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:30 am

I hope you people appreciate my modest proposal (if you know what a modest proposal is, then you will get this post)

I think they should have everything that was in Morrowind, make it nothing like oblivion, I mean we all know that everything in it was a mistake anyways
add more lore
get rid of map markers, that is only for the illiterate people
get rid of the fast travel system
also get rid of objects actually moving when you drop them, it makes it much easier to find
destroy the ai so there is more time to add content
don't even create new 3d models have the same ones that were in Morrowind, so they can just add more content
in fact to make it easier on the publishers it should just be a Morrowind expansion, absolutley no changes to the engine whatsoever, Morrowind was absolutely perfect, why would you want to change that
so what if it gets rid of the mainstream audience, it just strengthened the Morrowind following
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:00 am

Give Dunmers back their rightful voice.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:29 am

Make Guards a little more human by reducing their power of unlimited deduction.
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:11 pm

It's a hard question.... There are so many things I want improved! Obviously graphics lol. But if I could only pick one thing.... I would choose for the game engine to be EXTREMELY modable :)
If that doesn't count, then.. More realistic NPCs. I think thats one major thing that bothered me about Oblivion and Morrowind. (I won't say anything about Daggerfall... HALT!)
What I mean is... Well, Morrowind they just kind of walked back and forth, and greeted you. As for combat, it was really easy to avoid archers or mages, just move side to side and they would miss almost all the time. Oblivion, pretty much same thing, except the NPCs would walk around and do stuff, but they seemed so... Unhuman. I walk by some random guy, and he greets me like he wants to talk to me, and all I can do is talk about rumors. I think the NPCs should just ignore me, unless I have a high persuasion with them. And the revival of asking for directions lol.

I think they should have everything that was in Morrowind, make it nothing like oblivion, I mean we all know that was a mistake anyways

wow man, that kind of hurts. I didn't know that for one, I thought Oblivion was great. Sure, Morrowind was great too, but honestly I play Oblivion more. Morrowind's combat system drove me away from it. Those rats in the upstairs? Miss... Miss... Miss... SMACK!... Miss... Miss... ect. drove me crazy. The game was more annoying to start than anything else. Once I was high level it was fun, but I never get too high of a level before I make a new character. Bad habit. <--- all that's just my opinion btw. And sorry if this is taken offensively, I get a little carried away sometimes :(
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sara OMAR
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:01 am

one thing I'd change?
hmmm... I'd make skyrim a point and click adventure game!
actually, now that I think about it, that wouldn't be so bad...
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:11 pm

I think they should have everything that was in Morrowind, make it nothing like oblivion, I mean we all know that everything in it was a mistake anyways
add more lore

Hell. No. Oblivion got some stuff right, for example combat and guild quest-lines.
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rolanda h
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:17 pm

Give Dunmers back their rightful voice.

I honestly think that the chain smoker voice was really set a shady image for me. I felt as if the dunmer could not be trusted, or that they were rather conniving and arrogant people. I didn't whole heartily agree with them sounding like every other elf in the province either. So who knows where their fate lies.

I'd make sure that attention to snow and the way your character reacted to it, got a lot of attention. is this thread any different from the Ideas for Skyrim thread?
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sara OMAR
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:50 am

Hell. No. Oblivion got some stuff right, for example combat and guild quest-lines.

Yeh I know that was sarcasm, ever read a modest proposal?
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ILy- Forver
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:26 pm

I've noticed that a lot of forum goers have a hard time deducing sarcasm.
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:57 am

"Make Guards a little more human by reducing their power of unlimited deduction."

You: But it said free cookies??? Well...... What happens now???
Guards: Now you die!!!
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:18 am

I honestly think that the chain smoker voice was really set a shady image for me. I felt as if the dunmer could not be trusted, or that they were rather conniving and arrogant people. I didn't whole heartily agree with them sounding like every other elf in the province either. So who knows where their fate lies.

I'd make sure that attention to snow and the way your character reacted to it, got a lot of attention. is this thread any different from the Ideas for Skyrim thread?

I actually never liked the raspy, gravely effect to their voice. I'd rather they just have a deep voice than the high pitched one from Oblivion, if you've ever played WoW, that's how I want them to sound at the very least.
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clelia vega
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:43 pm

I've noticed that a lot of forum goers have a hard time deducing sarcasm.

most of them just love to argue
doesn't matter what it's about
as long as it ends in tears
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:04 am

Yeh I know that was sarcasm, ever read a modest proposal?

Your post wasn't exactly as extreme as baby-eating...

On topic: I hope they change Hand-to-Hand to become something practical and cool.
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Quick draw II
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:17 am

Your post wasn't exactly as extreme as baby-eating...

yeh, but it was the same theme, suggest something way out there that reveals a flaw about society, in this case, every single person that likes Morrowind wants Skyrim to be exactly like it
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:14 am

The extremity of satire is what distinguishes it from more sane ideas.

But now that I saw your original post I can see its obviously not realistic, I had only seen that one line being quoted before.
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Baby K(:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:29 am

yeh, but it was the same theme, suggest something way out there that reveals a flaw about society, in this case, every single person that likes Morrowind wants Skyrim to be exactly like it

I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. I personaly liked Morrowind better than Oblivion. But that's just me. Also there are things Oblivion improved on since Morrowind. Like 1. the combat not relying directly on character skill as much as player skill. 2. The alchemy system/screen was (in my personal opinion set-up better in Oblivion. 3. In Oblivion the journal system heck the whole menu screen was more "player friendly" but that can be a bad thing depending on how you look at it.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:36 pm

Use a different level scaling system, Oblivion's pissed me off.
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:30 am

Use a different level scaling system, Oblivion's pissed me off.

Hell Yeah!!!
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:43 pm

changes that i want:

1) attack on horse
2) command orders to my followers
3) 2 cooperative play (only whit 2 im happy)
4) voice in my character (choose among 4 or 5 options)
5) dismemberment (in oblivion i felt my sword like a bat, not sharp at all)
6) Not a MMO!
7) SUPER REALISTIC DIFICULTY optional (not fast travels, need food, need rest, one hit kill, one hit die, etc)
8) pet companion (like a dog)
9) more beutiful people (or everyone in morrowin is uggly?)
10) write books (there are a lots of books in oblivion but i wanted to write some words about my beautyful khajiit)
11) more clothes (not armor, clothes that looks good, not like shivering issles ones that looks ridiculous)
12) keep poisons (i love made posisons)
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:29 am

Well, since everyone else usually discusses and covers the reeeally important stuff, I'll just add that I would like to see an interactive map, including an improvement in the inventory keeping system, and the ability to keep a journal. I'd like to be able to make notes on various locations, explored or not. Cool if the journal could include screenshots too.
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Jack Walker
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:22 am

Morrowind combat, or the Dunmer voices. I love how they sounded like they smoked 5 packs of ciggaretts a day whilst gargling gravel.
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Craig Martin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:57 pm

Well, since everyone else usually discusses and covers the reeeally important stuff, I'll just add that I would like to see an interactive map, including an improvement in the inventory keeping system, and the ability to keep a journal. I'd like to be able to make notes on various locations, explored or not. Cool if the journal could include screenshots too.

yeaah! notes is the thing i said above, like write books or something like that
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:46 pm

I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. I personaly liked Morrowind better than Oblivion. But that's just me. Also there are things Oblivion improved on since Morrowind. Like 1. the combat not relying directly on character skill as much as player skill. 2. The alchemy system/screen was (in my personal opinion set-up better in Oblivion. 3. In Oblivion the journal system heck the whole menu screen was more "player friendly" but that can be a bad thing depending on how you look at it.

still look at any poll on this site, if Morrowind and Oblivion is an option, no matter how stupid it is Morrowind will still likely win. I made a thread that was about the AI and Morrowind got 5 votes when compared to Oblivion and Fallout
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