It's a hard question.... There are so many things I want improved! Obviously graphics lol. But if I could only pick one thing.... I would choose for the game engine to be EXTREMELY modable

If that doesn't count, then.. More realistic NPCs. I think thats one major thing that bothered me about Oblivion and Morrowind. (I won't say anything about Daggerfall... HALT!)
What I mean is... Well, Morrowind they just kind of walked back and forth, and greeted you. As for combat, it was really easy to avoid archers or mages, just move side to side and they would miss almost all the time. Oblivion, pretty much same thing, except the NPCs would walk around and do stuff, but they seemed so... Unhuman. I walk by some random guy, and he greets me like he wants to talk to me, and all I can do is talk about rumors. I think the NPCs should just ignore me, unless I have a high persuasion with them. And the revival of asking for directions lol.
I think they should have everything that was in Morrowind, make it nothing like oblivion, I mean we all know that was a mistake anyways
wow man, that kind of hurts. I didn't know that for one, I thought Oblivion was great. Sure, Morrowind was great too, but honestly I play Oblivion more. Morrowind's combat system drove me away from it. Those rats in the upstairs? Miss... Miss... Miss... SMACK!... Miss... Miss... ect. drove me crazy. The game was more annoying to start than anything else. Once I was high level it was fun, but I never get too high of a level before I make a new character. Bad habit. <--- all that's just my opinion btw. And sorry if this is taken offensively, I get a little carried away sometimes