The CK has a lot of nice features but there are some things I would like to change.
It would be nice if when you right clicked on something as well as the Edit option there was a View option. Often I just want to see it's 3D location or what scripts are on it or whatever but I don't want to change it. It would help on cleaning up your mod afterwards of unwanted edits. I've been resorting to just exiting the CK without saving and then reopening it but that just wastes time.
For a more general edit prevention mechanism it would be nice to have a hotkey when pressed any changes like when you pull apart a cell to see how it is put together is not saved. When you press the hotkey again your mod returns to the state it was in when you first pressed it, no changes saved. Or Something like Blender where you can roll back to a previous save.
It would be so nice if the CK was open source like Blender. Just think what some nice savvy computer people could do with it.