5 changes you would make to Skyrim to improve it?

Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:22 pm

What 5 changes would you make to improve your Skyrim experience?

1) Add a killcam toggle

2) Add a respec before leaving Helgen keep

3) No forced 3rd person

4) Remove sprint limit on horses to make them worth using

5) A hardcoe mode with food, sleep, hypothermia, actual dangerous diseases not -5 stamina etc..

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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:06 am

I guess its that time of the month again?

All I want are bug fixes.
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:35 am

Remove all current skills and just use 3 skills melee, stealth and magic.

Killcams every kill

Remove 1st person view

Unlimited health, magic and stamina

Only play as promokiin
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:31 pm

Hmm, i actually wouldn't mind a Devil May Cry style hack'n slash spinoff :hehe:
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Liv Brown
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:37 am

Better face and body textures for the ps3 -remove pixelated nose and chin.

Vibrant mod for the ps3

Chairs facing the fireplace in all homes

No giants or other attacking in my hearthfire house

Fix Lydia's backwards bed so she can stay out of my room!


6- actual over the shoulder like in Oblivion and Morrowind.. and a kick to the MOROn who decided over the shoulder and slide to the side was cool. It just isn't.

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Ellie English
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:49 pm

Oh, if you're asking Sir. Being Christmas and all:

  1. That broken lip-sync bug
  2. That broken lip-sync bug
  3. That broken lip-sync bug
  4. That broken lip-sync bug
  5. That broken lip-sync bug

And for my stocking-filler. I would like Bethesda to fix that broken lip-sync bug. And a tangerine.

No, forget the tangerine.

Just fix that broken lip-sync bug.

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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:45 pm

1. More character creation tidbits(hair, eye colors, face paint, NO wrinkles, etc)

2. Make the DB have a "creative" way of killing people.

3. Ability to join the Thalmor(and re-designing the Civil War)

4. Ability to deny forced quests. Turnig JAree-Ra in, and that executioner has a chance at his scrawny neck.

5. Ability to create your own spells.

6. FREE DLC : Thalmor Torture Room.

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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:18 am

More spells, more DLC content and a advanced extensive perk tree.

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Emmie Cate
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:14 am

This again? I commented before, I'll comment again - no to removing the limit on stamina for horses. It wouldn't make the game better, it's just dumbing it down. I know, people dislike that statement, but this time it really is dumbing it down. People complain a lot about different features breaking immersion, and this definitely would. Stamina is in for a reason - to limit the player and make them think more about their actions. Horses can't run forever in real life, and the movies are complete rubbish in how horses are depicted; even a great many books get them completely wrong. They aren't cars (which can run out of petrol/diesel, may I add!), nor should they be. This may be a game and one set in a completely made-up world complete with outrageous magic and creatures, but there has to be a line. To deliberately depict horses as glorified racing cars is silly, and that's what it would be doing. I dare say it'd be one of the first things people would complain about and mod.

Ethetan, given that you listed a hardcoe mode in your list of changes, it seems completely contradictory wanting to remove the sprint limit on horses. Horses that can run forever don't fit in with a hardcoe mode.

The first three I can agree with. I may play on PC, but for those who don't - and for those who do but don't use mods (mod users are a minority in relative terms) - having toggles and a respec is definitely a must. It's not that people outright hate things, but some will and some tire of features over time. Oblivion had a respec, which was a good thing since the console commands were tricky! I also like choosing between first and third person.

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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:53 pm

Note that some form of darker dungeon, darker night, drop lit torches mod set is always immensely popular in ES games and incorporate into vanilla.

Note that some form of 'basic needs' is also always popular and incorporate into vanilla.

Note that the series is mostly running on a lore base created at or before ES3 and return to a dialog system similar to Morrowind's. Use the 'savings' in voice file space to provide truly unique greetings, passing comments, and combat taunts to all named NPCs plus a wide variety to the nameless NPCs. Have all comments for the same NPC done in one voice.

Improve combat AI and provide 'advanced' AI combat tactics triggered by the difficulty slider rather than just making the difficulty setting a 'sponge-o-meter' control.

Provide a quick key system with at most two 'ready weapons', a reasonable number of designated 'ready spells (including scrolls)', and some number of 'ready potions'...then eliminate the pause from the menu functions.

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The Time Car
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:37 pm

1. Better questlines.

2. Better questlines

3. Better questlines

4. Better questlines

5. Better questlines

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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:05 pm

Heh, I can see people complaining about that now. Mind you, it would remove complaints that you can open the menu and chug potions, etc, since you won't be pausing the action any longer; that is, you'll have to be in a safe spot or face the possibility that opening the menu might be what gets you killed!

As for me...

1. Less bugs in third person combat.

2. Potions that act over time rather than immediately.

3. Proper weight system (excepting money) so that characters can only carry more realistic amounts of items. Increasing Stamina should also not make one a portable equivalent of Mary Poppins' bag.

4. Spears, as they'd be a nice addition. I haven't played overly lots, but I like more variety and choice.

5. Orsinium DLC. It would have been nice if that area in the south-west of the map had been put to good use rather than left empty. It still looks to me like they had ideas for it. I don't play Orcs, but I'm not against DLC for them if it means more exploring.

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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:20 pm

Pretty paltry argument you have.

In Oblivion, horses could sprint indefinitely... I've yet to see a single person complain that 'ZoMG horses dont get tired" Perhaps you want crap horses in TES.. but 99.999% of us dont. Horses in Oblivion were better because they were actually useful. Go take a black cheydinhal horse and run to Anvil, then tell me you think they should have a sprint limit.

Horses in Oblivion created a sense of urgency... I felt like I needed one because my task was important. Skyrims OAP horses lose any sense of usefulness when I sprint just as fast when on foot, and for longer after a few levels of buffing stamina.

Ironic really considering the fuss Beth made about improved horses before Skyrims release....

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Catherine Harte
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:16 pm

1. Implement a background system similar to Daggerfall at character creation.

2. Restore the Hand-to-Hand, Athletics, Acrobatics, and Mysticism skills. Add Thu'um and Music skills.

3. Restore most cut spells from previous games.

4. Have Obsidian Entertainment handle quest and dialogue content.

5. Stop holding the player's hand.

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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:10 pm

1. Stop

2. All

3. The

4. Milk

5. Drinking

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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:17 pm

Given the number of people who say 'kill cams svck but would be fine with a toggle so I could turn them off but those who like them could keep them' I always find this interesting.

I personally never use fast travel, but I don't see any problem with it being available to those who want it.

Turn off the quest markers if you don't like them. Why should they have to be removed from the game?

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Kerri Lee
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:16 pm

Unlimited sprint for horses would be stupid.

Worse than no killcam toggle.
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Dj Matty P
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:28 pm

I never said horses couldn't improved - they most certainly can be, as can mounted combat - but you want a hardcoe mode and horses that cannot get exhausted, which is contradictory; it's going from one extreme to another. We could have useful horses and have limits on their sprinting, have you ever considered that?

I believe people would complain about horses not getting tired - they already complain about a lack of a hardcoe mode! Many would definitely feel it jarring for their character to get exhausted, hungry, thirsty, too cold or hot, suffer from exposure et al, only for horses to be racing cars that last longer than the Durracell Bunny. Once you start introducing hardcoe elements, you lose the ability to pick and choose where they are applied because it won't make sense for it to only apply to the player or just to NPCs. Once people get something, they want to expand upon it as much as possible. If we must, since you want toggles for things, there can be a toggle for this too - horses that don't tire and horses that do.

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TOYA toys
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:21 pm

Yawn...... It's time I put you on ignore.

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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:29 pm

1) Better writing.

2) Better quests.

3) Better companions.

4) Real choices with real consequences (none of this "if you not with us, you're against us" crap)

5) Reintroduce removed skills and features from previous games.

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KIng James
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:23 pm

Come on, we don't need this thread devolving into pettiness. Michael is just making a point out of the extremes in your preferences - killcams are immersion breaking for you, and if your list is anything to go by I'd guess a hardcoe mode would greatly improve your immersion. Then you want horses that run at lightspeed and don't ever need to stop for gas...which is pretty immersion breaking when combined with a hardcoe mode. Wouldn't you rather something in between, where a horse would be a great boost but had limits like the character? We could even have horses that die from exhaustion if you push them too much, so if you need to get somewhere urgently you can, but at a high price. There really is no need to be so polarised on horses, and non-hardcoe horses could still have limits on them without making them pointless; a good start would be the player character having certain limits so that increased Stamina combined with sprinting don't replace horses.

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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:59 am

1. Smoothen the pixelated shadows.

2. More costumization because why not. You know, like hairstyles and clothing.

3. Form an alternative solution to the restrictions for questlines. (Aka forced to join the College as a warrior because of main quest.)

4. Bug fixes, this is the number one.

5. Smoothen the textures of the characters such as the blocky nose and the likes.

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Damian Parsons
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:35 pm

The only thing I would do to improve Skyrim:


There are lots of stuff I would change, but it wouldn't be possible without redoing the game entirely, so I'll just stick to that.

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Rex Help
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:40 pm

1) Bring back stats.

2) More options in questlines including the main quest. Less linearity.

3) Balance weapons so maces (my favorite) aren't nearly as useless.

4) Give dragons/creature armor ratings (to help maces).

5) Keep destruction magic viable on Master and Legendary difficulty.

Honorable Mention: I want to play a Sload!!!!!!

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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:32 pm

No tbh I find all his posts generic and boring, I should have ignored him ages ago.

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Laura Cartwright
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