The objective of this whole modification is to re-color all parts of the visual effects for a negative illusion spell. This involves changing the FX-NIF of the hand, projectile, impact data and on-hit effect. I'm stuck on the hand-effects NIF after changing several parts:
file: Skyrim-BSA\Meshes\Magic\IllusionNegFXHand01.nifblock# block-name (what is changed)336 NiTriShapeData (Vertex Colors)337 BSEffectShaderProperty (Emissive color)349 BSEffectShaderProperty (Grayscale Texture)364 BSEffectShaderProperty (Grayscale Texture)These changes go a long way, but there is still a red light (more like a sphere of color) in the middle of the hand in the mCharge, mReady and mCast animation-states of this NIF. I have tried using a different projectile and a different impact set to see if the source of the light was originating in one of those. On a previous occasion (when changing the decall of the light spell) I found that the glowing middle-part of the visible light ball was a flat, circle shaped texture. There seems to be no such texture (with a red color) in this NIF. If anyone knows what I could be missing, please let me know.
A few images illustrating the undesired red light when charging and releasing a spell: