Changing followerstewardspouse's armor

Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:43 pm

Sorry to ask about this yet again as I know it comes up frequently but I can't get my spouse or house carl to switch their armor.

My PC asked them to follow to get the 'carry/trade stuff' dialog option during which she give them the superior armor and weapons. They appear to put it on in place of their default stuff

Then she tells them it's time to part ways in order to get the 'what have you got for sale' option.

Then she asks buys their default stuff (except for one item).

However, when I exit the cell and come back, they are naked. The new stuff is in their inventory, but they aren't using it. Interestingly, if I ask them to trade and take/give any single item, all the new gear is suddenly equiped.

What do I need to do so they use the new stuff permanently?


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Dan Stevens
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:14 pm

I don't think it ever works on consoles. Only on PC most likely.
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:03 am

they will only use new stuff when following you.. when the finish following you they will revert back to their default stuff..

if you remove their default stuff, they decide to become nudists

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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:55 am

Oh no! I wanted to beef up their gear so they can massacre raiding bandits or giants or draugr. Also, I wanted them to look more ferocious/intimidating (they've got nordic carved armor and two-handed ebony weapons).

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Sasha Brown
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:47 pm

Yes; for me, it usually occurs when my follower enters a new cell after being dismissed. As long as we are in the same cell (whether dismissed or not) or if my follower is still following me, they continue to equip everything I have given them.

It's definitely an annoyance, having followers unequip things--especially when the things I give them are nicer than what they originally had.

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Maria Leon
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:35 am

Haha yea damn Faendal, he is my house defender and he always wears his rags instead of his dwarven armor but I think I saw him put it on when a giant attacked my house.
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:14 pm

I hate how Mjoll the Lioness wears her iron armor when she's not following me. She'll wear the better armor that I give her when traveling, but when I dismiss her, she goes back to her default. It especially seems odd, when she's my Dragonborn's wife, and they're rich, but she prefers her iron.

Even if I take her hunting bow away and buy her iron armor from her, eventually it all reappears in her inventory. I try to not pay too much attention to it, as she will wear her Stahlrim armor/weapons away from the house.

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michael flanigan
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:53 am

Well if you're on PC you can use the UFO mod. There is an option in the follower dialog called "You could dress better" which will force them to keep the gear you give them equipped. If you're on console they will not keep it equipped while not in your service, instead they will ALWAYS default back to their standard gear. There is no real way around it con console, sorry.

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