Currently, Mehrunes' Razor kills via the "kill" command. I want it to kill by setting the target's health to 0, reason being I want to try and kill Harkon with it (who is immune to "kill")
I imagine it should be something along the lines of chainging 'akTarget.kill()' to 'akTarget.setAV health 0', but can somebody tell me the correct syntax for this?
The standard Mehrunes' Razor script:
ScriptName DA07MehrunesRazorMagicEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffectFaction Property pDA07MehrunesRazorImmuneFaction autoWeapon Property DA07MehrunesRazor AutoEvent OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ;Apply this effect if the target is not in the excluded faction If akTarget.IsInFaction(pDA07MehrunesRazorImmuneFaction) == 1 Return Else ;1 percent chance to kill target; debug.trace(self + " hitting " + akTarget + " with Mehrunes' Razor") If (Utility.RandomInt() <= 1); debug.trace(self + "Instant Kill effect applied on" + akTarget) If Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(DA07MehrunesRazor) >= 1 akTarget.Kill(Game.GetPlayer()) Else akTarget.Kill() EndIf EndIf EndIfEndEvent