» Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:41 pm
Before you change anything, manually make a new save.
Load that save, open the character sheet and write down the stats: Magicka, Health, Stamina, skills (eg. One-handed 31 1/2, etc.), racial powers. If you have anything that modifies your stats equipped (rings, amulets, etc.) unequip them. (Some people say they have had issues result from that.)
Follow the directions in the article I linked to.
After you're done renaming your character and exiting the showracemenu, open up the character sheet and confirm that nothing has changed. Continue playing.
Don't overwrite the original save for that character for a little while just to be sure that, in case something is messed up, you can go back to it.
I've used the showracemenu numerous times without any issues at all. As long as you don't change the race, you should be fine, but some people report issues if you change the preset or six so always double-check your stats and keep a back-up.