To begin with I'd like to point out I've used search and also googled before creating this topic. The results were irrelevant so I've decided to ask you, my dear colleagues.
What I seek is a way to change fire spell effect and make it green to have this chaos magic feeling (apparently inspired with Warcraft 3).
I assumed the simplest way to get it will be making it myself as I have some basic skills with photoshop. But then it turned out I can't find spell efects in texture folder. There is only Data/Texture/Magic folder which contains effect from MidasMagic.
Therefore here are my:
Question. Where can the texture of fire spell effect be?
Or request. Maybe there's a more skilled artist and modder who would feel comfortable with doing it. I believe it's not that much work. My problem is that my modding skills are very poor and if I'd do it myself it would be a replacer. I don't know how to make just certain spells take on effect X so the regular spells keep effect Y.
Something offtopic while I'm here.
Where are the vanilla Oblivion hair meshes?

It is especially hilarious in the Temple of the Ancestor Moths

Thank you in advance