In another very laggy TIA a host was murdering everyone on our team. Come the end of the game, he's switched sides, and murdered everyone on the other team, but has somehow kept his kills from the first part.
I've noticed this before, but thought I must be imagining it.
Now I'm all for a new DLC, but shouldn't Crytek fix some of the real problems first. Sometimes I can only play with a squad is if a certain member is the leader. Too much needs to be fixed first, so please Crytek fix these very real probs. Although I bought the 1st DLC I will not be buying the 2nd until I see some significant improvements in what we're all complaining about.
Or is it, as I heard someone from EA say to the BBC, a case of PC games outsell console games (by 4:1 I think he said) so PS3 users are the poor cousins of the gaming world