Changing where keys 'are'.

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:44 am

Throughout playing Oblivion, I was never able to use apostrophes. I thought this was a problem with the game, however I recently learned that it is a problem specific to me.
The main issue is apostrophes('), ever since I first played the game they have come up as colons(: ). So with recent experimenting I have also learned that this key: '[' or '{' comes up as the @ symbol, ] and } are [ and { ,and \ and | are ] and }. So I may have of discovered the problem, everything seems to be one key along, and it got me wondering if there was any way to change what key shows up when a certain key is pressed. All of the other keys apart from the ones I mentioned before are fine.
If its any help, the keyboard I am using is a Compaq SK 2950.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:57 am

I think you have a different setup for your than usual keyboard has. :read:

If I where you I would try every button there is on the keyboard just to see which one is the right one for the ' symbol. :)
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Justin Bywater
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