char help + light vs heavy

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:45 am

i know this is a very difficult topic, and it is decided depending on playstyle and such.

but im gonna be playing a mixed type of char, both using bow to engage combat while using 1h+shield and destruction when needed....

so what would mainly be the best? and would it even be good to mix style a character so much?
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Sammie LM
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:33 pm

I've played a mixed character so far. Yeah, it wasn't the "easiest", but it's still playable. And I was fine with Light Armor (but, then, I like Light. Plus I like Sneak, so I wasn't about to play Heavy. :tongue:)

My character's main combat is 1-h + shield. Archery as a backup (ranged combat, plus initial sneak shots. not perked, so only 1hit kills on weak stuff). Sneak, Lockpick. Smithing. Alchemy and Restoration for healing. Speech leveled up just from selling stuff, Enchanting I didn't really pursue til high level, but I did get levels on it from disenchanting items to collect the effects.

Perks aren't terribly concentrated (Blocking, 1-H, Light Armor, and Smithing have the most. Only Smithing has a single line "maxed out").
(Note that I also didn't push the leveling of any skills - I didn't frontload my Smithing and Alchemy... smithing only hit 100 at lv48. :) )

edit: oh, and I did 3:1 or 3:2 Health:Stamina. But, then, I'm not doing any heavy duty casting. If you want to use Destruction you probably want some Magicka.

So, yeah - not overpoweredly easy (until I cleared 50 and gathered great gear). But it's playable. The teens & 20's were probably the hardest section.
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:32 am

so i would be considerable easier to play through Skyrim with perhaps a char only using bow & sneak + 1h & shield?

and with light armor

by the way and nother question about skyrim, does it matter which skills you take? or can you invest in pretty much all skills you wish to?
im new to skyrim so not that experienced yet.
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