I slay every beast I come across. I steal everything I want. I break into every building I find. I crush the .... oh look, a butterfly. Gotta catch it.. gotta catch it.. :facepalm: Evil quivers at my approach. I am the dread butterfly catcher!
I slay every beast I come across. I steal everything I want. I break into every building I find. I crush the .... oh look, a butterfly. Gotta catch it.. gotta catch it.. :facepalm: Evil quivers at my approach. I am the dread butterfly catcher!
Very strange that anyone would see the op as spam. It's a commentary on the dichotomy of trying to play this game. No matter how evil I try to rp, I just can't stop myself from running around trying to catch butterflies.
I am the paranoia that torments you. I am the stench that surrounds you. I am the shadow that stalks you. I can kill you and have you clueless to my presence. All life fears me. I am the bunny murderer.
Well if it makes you feel any better the only reason you're chasing that innocent butterfly is so that you can rip its wings off and grind it up into a watery beverage that you'll then consume. Pretty evil by any standard in my book.
Really, its just extending your character's sociopathic killing-spree to the insect world. Not even the bugs are safe from his merciless wrath heh
Also seeing a vicious, hardened killer gaily chase butterflies around in his free time would make him extremely creepy and doubly terrifying in my book.
For e.g.: A regular smile is charming/disarming. But the smile of a known rapist is scary.
i am but a simple warrior i do what it takes to survive the world eaters hordes and bring peace to skyrim and if that means a stolen horse or sword then so be it.