Name: Torvald Skier
Race: Nord
Age: 37
Proffesion: Bartender, Skyrim Fighter.
Weapons and fighting Style: Axe, Barbarian.
Affiliation: Against the Stormcloak Rebellion.
Important Family: Talon Skier (Great,Great,Great,Great,Great Grandfather, Guard of Skyrim, Exile and Experienced the Oblivion Crisis), Maura Skier (Mother), Morten Skier (Father)
Born in 4E 164, Torvald Skier grew up like you would expect any child too, he was tought right and wrong, good and bad, His dad Morten worked as a bartender in the city of Whiterun, Torvald's Mother
Maura used her life to help Torvald grow up. Torvald grew strong and eventually when his father died when Torvald was 35, took over working as a bartender in the same bar. The bar was taken over
and Torvald and his ill mother who eventually died moved up to live in the towns surrounding Winterhold. It was here Torvald decided to learn the arts of the barbarian, but in 4E 201 when Torvald was
37, it all went wrong, The stormcloak rebellion assasinated the high king of skyrim and civil war broke out. While fighting anybody who tried to attack him a dodgy fight eneded in his arrest for "murder"
and he was sent to be executed, his real story begins on that very day, the day he was to be executed, He didn't die there, because this is only the beggining. Little did he know but when Alduin returned
he was the only one who could face Alduin, he didn't know it but he would save Skyrim.
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