» Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:27 am
The more, the merrier... As long as its at least as customizable as Oblivion's was I'll be content. Though for me to be really happy, it would require more. A few elements I hope to see:
? The ability to personalize standard clothes/armor with different color schemes, insignias, crests, etc.
? A wider array of "casual" clothing, and more of a reason to wear it (e.g. boost to NPC disposition)
? Ability to wear clothes under armor
? Ability to wear capes/cloaks/robes over armour
? More "slots" for the equipment menu (head, face, necklace, torso armor, right arm armor, left arm armor, right hand armor, left hand armor, right ring, left ring, leg armor, right boot, left boot, cloak, shirt, pants, ammunition, right weapon, left weapon... hell, maybe even a slot for belts and for another accessory [satchel, canteen, sash, etc.]) . . . though realistically that's too much I think, and I'd be happy with a system like Morrowind's