character backgrounds

Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:35 am

well for all the daggerfall player which just became a lot higher number why don't yall post your background information for your character to see all the differences. many should be similiar or nearly the same but what are yalls backgrounds? it can be found ingame somewhere I know I believe you open your character sheet and the go to something and it will give you your background info.(someone else please give better directions) so what are yall's characters backgrounds? I'll tell yall mines's when I get my game downloaded.

edit here it is: "though your childhood was similar to that of other nord children you knew, at age 10, your father thought you ready to begin learning theiving skills. you spent many happy hours in his work shop, practicing initially the ancient arts of assasination. your sills developed slowly at first, and your father seemed to have to suppress his impatience at times. you applied yourself to your training more diligently than ever. it gradually became apparent to both you and your father that while you certainly would become a competent thief given time, you would never achieve his level of mastery. while you were studying box and arrow techniques with your father, your mother began to teach you, in her quiet way, the use of magicka. it did not take long to determine that you could use both sciences together, using the discipline from your archery and jumping training to accelerate your development of restorative spells. your mother introduced you to some unusual, non-human creatures, mostly the daedra from the plane of oblivion you learned not only not to fear them, but also some of their language. one in particular, a female named saurtha spellor took a liking to you and trained you further in spells of healing than your mother ever could. one night, your father brought you into his shop, a serious expression on his face. he explained that an agent of the emperor himself had approaced the heads of the local thieves and mages guild. he had told them that the emperor had heard rumors of a sorceror named hareld asgersen who was supposed to have been allied with the imperial traitor jagar tharn. the emperor dared not act against hareld asgersen without proper evidence to verify his illegal actions your father suggested that, as a pair, you two were just right for the assignment. excited about the chance to impress your father as much as the emperor's reward, you agreed at once. some nights later, you and your father broke into hareld asgesen's study and began searching for evidence of conspiracy. a noise out in the hall nearly caused you to drop the stak of papers you were carrying. quickly, as agreed before, you moved off to the exit route carrying hareld asgersen's materials while your father headed off to provide a distraction. he gave you a wink and disappeared. you left the casle, and followed the escape route to your home. there, a portly mage and an imperial courier examined the materials, adn from their reactions, the evidence damned hareld asgersen. you sat with your mother and fretfully awaited your father's return. the hours turned to days, and you numbly realized that you would never see your father again. the receipt of the emperor's reward seemed small consolation for your loss. some weeks later, a letter bearing the imperial seal arrived at your house. you were requested in the imperial city at once.
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