Character Backstory

Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:23 am

As long as you've watched the interview about Skyrim, you know that when you start the game, you're about to be executed. But somehow escape. Tod said that the reason for you about to be hung is left unfilled so you can fill that spot in for yourself. So if you are as interested in fantasy RPG as me, write a short story about why your character was about to be hung. What did he/she do? Why? Where? Etc...

Here's mine:
Jerek was used to being teased and pushed around by the people of the Imperial City. They thought he was just a mindless cat that had nothing better to do then to wander the city looking for a job. Truth was though... he had a job, he was a thief, right near the top of the Theives Guild. He had direct contact to the Gray Fox. And when his next job came in, he was amazed that someone thought he had the power to do it. He was offered the oppitunity of a life time. Steal the Amulet of Kings from the newly crowned emperor. Jerek took the job in a heartbeat. What a challenge it would be! "Finally something worthwhile of my time!" he thought. Jerek went straight back to his house, and picked up all his theif gear. Robe of Invisibility, inchanted by himself, it cost him upwards of 40,000 gold to get it. Next he got his skeleton key, a lock pick so strong it never broke. Then came the Dagger of Numbness, Jerek inchanted this himself too, it would make the first five people it cut fall into a deep sleep that would take days to wake from. Last up was a few potions of speed and agility, then Jerek was off. He knew of a way into the palace, but everywhere from there was going to be improvised. He went into the sewers of the palace district and dodged more then a few undead. After what seemed like hours of sneaking, Jerek came upon the door to what he knew was the enterance into the guards quaters. He started picking the lock to the door, knowing that it was supposed to be opened by a special arrow of some sort. And suddenly it snapped and opened with a satisfing ting. Then Jerek was in the palace. Jerek then opened his backpack and pulled out his robe, and drew his dagger. After sneaking past more then fifteen guards, Jerek was faced with a locked door, he slid in the skeleton key and started tumbling. Suddenly the door came flying open and a guard had him pinned to the wall. He whispered "I got you now you theif! This robe is going to make me rich!". Jerek stabbed him with the dagger and the guard went crashing to the floor. Before the door closed, Jerek lept through it and let it slide close behind him. He was one door away from the Amulet! He started picking the lock when he heard a cry for help come from where the guard had fallen. Suddenly guards were all around him. Jerek creeped into a nice dark corner. But then the guards started looking around. None of them saw him, but they came close. It was getting too hot in the palace, he didn't want to get caught. He drank one of the speed potions very quetly and started to sneak his way out of the palace, the same way he went in. On his way out though, a single guard was in the way. It would take him too long to go around, so Jerek went for the stab, but a rushed hit is a bad hit and it bounced off his armour. The guard dropped the torch onto Jerek's robe and it caught fire. Jerek drank his last agility potion and ran through the exit, without looking back... It was four months later, and Jerek was now in Bruma, his new house was a fine one, but Jerek needed money. He went for the countess's jewerly. (too keep this short I'll skip this part) And was caught. He was sentenced to death in Skyrim, as the countess didn't want to see his face ever again...

Sorry for a rushed ending... Hope you liked it and write your own!!
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:48 pm

Mines shall be "As Chuck Norris pulled his clenched bloody fist from a Imperial Guards mutilated and exposed cranium from sheer utter damage for resisting arrest,he escapes to cross the border into Skyrim but is later apprehended and brought to justice."
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:05 pm

I havent really thought it through seeing as i keep tabs on every character i make and they have story behind them, a city they orginate from, a position they hold in the game, and a list of there skills and armor they use. But i have an idea.

Name: Nala
six: Female
Race: Khajiit
Age: my age which will be 20 at that time
Body Type: Toned and cat like
Combat style: Assasiin
Weapons: Dual Wield short swords and bow & arrow
Clothing/Armor: Dark Brotherhood armor
Hair: TBA
Eyes: Khajiit
Home: Born in the city of Dune in Elsweyr. She returns home occasionally to check up on events happening in Elsweyr
Faction: Dark Brotherhood
Story: She is on countless murder charges one of them Murdering Adamus Philida in Leyawiin. The other one in Skyrim is murdering a Skyrim Noble in Riften. Her bounty is currently at 5000 septims dead or alive. But the border Patrol of Skyrim does not know this. They caught her hopping the border into Skyrim, but her mistake was telling the guards to [censored] off. Now she is set for execution. Until Esbern comes.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:45 pm

My first character will most likely be Bosmer, though I won't know for sure until the time comes...

Ceridwen was from a well-bred and noble family who settled in Skyrim a couple generations back. She was studying to be a mage with the College of Whispers and showed promising talent, but she was framed for the murder of one of the College's highest ranked officials. Because she was found covered in his blood, no one believed her story about being mugged and blacking out only to wake up to the sight of the murder victim's body lying in the alley...
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:23 am

I Have 10 Charcters im planning on playing but this one is going to be my Main:

Name: Valhiir
six: Male
Race: Bosmer
Occupation: Hunter

Bio: Valhiir grew up in Valenwood with his Father for most of his life and was trained to use a Bow and Swords at a very young age. Valenwood was attacked countless times and it was up to the Bosmer who resided in the area to Defend against these threats. Valhiir and his Father Took the fight to the enemy by Actively Hunting and Disposing of the enemy before they could make it towards inland Valenwood. Valhiir Grew up Hunting people more than Animals and lacked the Enthusiasm when it came to hunting the small prey of Cyrodiil. Cyrodiil became Valhiir's new home and spent his time Hunting Wolves and Bears in the Forest.

Valhiir thought he Longed for a great Hunt that required skill and patience, but in fact deep down he craved the Blood of a Living Breathing Person who was so used to killing so long ago. He did not like to kill but some part of him had grown accustom to it. One fatefull day an Imperial Legion Guard, and Altmer, found Valhiir's Cabin and asked if he could search the premises for any illegal property, which Valhiir and the Guard both new did not exist. The Bosmer took silently Unsheathed his longsword and Stabbed the Guard in the Back, severing his Spinal cord. Valhiir felt the rush he felt in Valenwood Hunting those People who tried to infiltrate his people for so long and needed more.

Valhiir began what he called the "Hunt": The Systematic killing of a male member in each race in Alphabetical order starting with Altmer and ending with Redguard. This became his Cycle, a cycle of ten "Prey" that he would Find, Watch, Hunt, and Kill. After a long while the Imperial Legion caught on and coined Valhiir the "Valen Savage". The legion found his Cabin and raided it but they were to late he had already fled toward Skyrim.

Valhiir thought he was free once reaching the Border of Skyrim and let his guard down, thats when an Altmer Legion Soldier snuck up on him and restrained him. Valhiir was under arrest for 102 counts of Murder, or as Valhiir would say "10.2 Complete Cycles". He was sentenced to death for his crimes, but Valhiir made sure he finished his 11th Cycle in Prison: which he did.

Valhiir is a Kind man who finds solice in Hunting. He is not Necesarily Evil as much as his time in Valenwood changed him. Although he Kills for the thrill he does not kill outside of his cycles, will not kill Females or Children, and never kills Civilians unless they are Hostile towards him.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:18 pm

Mine would be a female Argonian from Vvardenfell, who had business with Ravenrock of Solstheim.

She was suspected of being a werewolf. Of course, you can't start the game that way, but I will fix that very soon. >:]
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:36 am

Well for my first playthrough I'm going to be a Khajiit. Here's the description:

Name: Do'khath
six: Male
Race: Khajiit
Age: 22
Body Type: medium build (very strong for a khajiit)
Class Archetype: Warrior/Scout
Primary - Long Bow
Secondary - Longsword
Armor: Light - Armor Type: Leather
Hair: TBA
Fur Color: Black/Grey
Eyes: Ice Blue - Khajiit
Home: Cyrodiil
Faction: Stormcloaks - Position: Scout

Story: Born and bred in Bruma, Do'khath had always wanted to live in Skyrim. His father was a hunter by trade, so naturally he learned everything from hunting to swordplay from his father. But when his father was arrested for being connected to the rebel faction in Skyrim, the Stormcloaks, he was left to fend for himself on the streets. Eventually when he was old enough, he left Bruma, and traveled north to Skyrim. When he crossed the border, one of the first towns he came to was Falkreath. While he was in the town, an Imperial soldier, who happened to be a Khajiit, recognized Do'khath, because of his similarity to his father. The Khajiit soldier had Do'khath arrested, the soldier accused Do'khath of being connected to the Stormcloaks, and had Do'khath thrown in jail. Later Do'khath found out that he was to be executed for supposed treason against the Empire. But on the day of his execution, something was going to happen that was to change his life forever........
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:04 am

Name: Alex Strata
six: Male
Race: Imperial
Age: 27
Combat style: melee, bow, magic. stealth
Weapons: short sword(or katana), daggers, bow.
Clothing/Armor: Dark light armor.
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Home: small town outside of the imperial city in cyordiil.

Story: after his sister killed his family for some unknown power, Alex took it upon himself to find and kill her. After 3 long years of tracking her down to skyrim, he finally killed his sister. But unknown to him she had a few friends in high places in skyrim. He was placed under arrest and awaits to be executed
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:21 pm

Name: Zu-kellim
six: Male
Race: Argonian
Age: 34
Body Type: Wiry and lithe
Combat style: Quick darting strikes
Weapons: Dagger and shield, Bow and Arrows
Clothing/Armor: Leather and Chain (Chain Chest, the rest is leather, no hemet)
Hair: Horns and hornlets, mostly blunted and yellowed from hard living
Eyes: Slits, orange
Home: Bruma
Faction: None
Story: Zu-kellim (Zu for short) was born in Black Marsh but was moved to Cyrodiil soon thereafter. He learned his trade, hunting, from his mother, who made most of the honest money in the small family. With no siblings to share the home with, Zu took to roaming the streets and talking with the beggars (and thieves, although he didn't know they were thieves). His father brought money in by being a thief himself, spending many years hiding his profession from his family. He told them he was a woodworker's consultant that worked all around Cyrodiil. He used business trips as a cover to steal in other cities.

One day, Zu followed his father out after dark to see where his father went. He was amazed to find that his father preyed upon the rich folk of Leyawiin. He spent the next month shadowing his father as best he could, until he was caught by his father, who had been informed by his fellow thieves that he had a small shadow trailing him. Unable to face the humiliation of telling his wife about his illicit activities, Zu's father made Zu swear he would keep the secret. A clever young man, Zu made his father promise to teach him the craft. Zu learned how to disappear in shadows and move silently. He was also taught how to use a dagger ("Always a good weapon. It's small, which means easily hidden, and quick, which means the idiot with the ax will have trouble keeping up with you." his father always said), a shield ("You may be quick, son, but arrows are almost impossible to dodge.") and a bow ("A NOBLE weapon, child." his mother used to recite, putting emphasis on the word as she knew all about her husband's real job). Soon enough he grew into a capable thief and moved away to forge his own path in life. He found that he wasn't one for high profile thefts and moved to sleepy Bruma where he could hunt in peace and get away with stealing without too much trouble.

After several uneventful years, one day he was hunting, and a Bosmer ran across his path. Zu watched from the shadows as an arrow struck him down from behind. An Imperial nobleman showed up soon thereafter and cut the ears fromt the elf's corpse. "Two more for the collection." muttered the Imperial before walking triumphantly away. Zu raced back to town to tell the authorities about the incident. He did not know that the nobleman's servants had come after he left and cleared away the body. As this particular noble was well liked in Bruma, and justice is swift in Bruma, Zu was locked in prison to await his fate. A problem with the court involving corruption arose and he was forgotten in his cell. While the guards continued to feed him, the court forgot all about his case. The guards refused to listen to his requests for help and other inmates grew tired of his stories. Four years passed, his skills wasting as the world passed away without him. He almost forgot what the sun felt like and often wondered what being warm felt like. Soon enough, a notorious prisoner was arrested and jailed alongside him. More corruption in the legal system led the court to decide to flush out the jail of all the worst souls. Zu was shipped off with them as the court had no idea why he was still there (the noble arranged to have the paperwork destroyed so "that filthy lizard" would rot forever. Unwilling to release them back into Bruma (or Cyrodiil for that matter), it was decided that the prisoners would be sent to Skyrim.

Resigned to his fate (execution, he learned from a drunken guard), Zu waited wordlessly for death, when suddenly . . .

P.S. I wrote it this way so that when he starts in Skyrim, he has no skills. It would be silly to have him be someone with all kinds of skills who magically loses them just before the game starts. I figured his skills and attributes would waste away while he was in jail. Jail also leads to the execution.
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:33 pm

For the longest time, I wasn't able to come up with a back story, but then another thread about the character generator helped me to finally hash a rough version out.

Xanthar, a stealthy Bosmer thief with a dead left eye and scar along his left cheek who was orphaned at a very young age and turned to petty crime to survive. The dead eye and scar were a gift from a prisoner he recently shared a cell with in one of the many prisons he's had the pleasure of escaping from. The prisoner, a Shadowscale assassin from Black Marsh, had some intel on Xanthar.

According to the Shadowscale, Xanthar's mother was "taken" by an Imperial bandit leader who had setup camp close to the small village where Xanthar's mother lived, in the northwest part of Valenwood. One of the village members brazenly attacked, killed and cannibalized a member of the bandit camp, so the bandit leader ordered an attack on the village, killing the men and forcing themselves upon the women before taking them on as slaves. Xanthar's mother, along with a few others, bravely escaped into the wild Valenwood forests and that is where Xanthar was born, under a magnificent oak tree with the forest animals keeping a vigilant watch. For this reason, Xanthar is partial to nature and certain animals will heed his call in times of need. His partial Imperial blood gives him some slight Romanesque features, olive skin and jet black hair and facial hair.

As the Shadowscale relayed his information to this poor half-Bosmer, half-Imperial bastard orphan, Xanthar, stricken with grief and humiliation, was driven to such primal anger as to cause his Bosmer nature to come forth and summon a forest wolf to his side. Before he knew what happened, the Shadowscale began screaming for the guards as he fended of bites and scratches from the wolf. The guards burst into the cell and in the confusion, the Shadowscale snatched a dagger from one of the guards and sliced Xanthar along the left side of his face from his eyebrow down to his upper cheek, blinding him in his left eye in the process. Xanthar covered his bloodied face with his left hand and in an act of sheer howling desperation, clobbered the Shadowscale right in his snout, causing it to cave in on itself. The Shadowscale dropped to the cell floor in shock and hissed intensely at the pain. The wolf then pounced at the guards, distracting them long enough for Xanthar to slip out of the now open cell door of Bruma's castle dungeon and flee the prison after lifting the master key from the warden.

He quickly made his way past the 200 year old statue of the Hero of Cyrodiil and even through his extreme pain and blood loss, managed to escape the Bruma city guard. By sheer determination alone, he ran as long and as fast as he could, making it almost to the Skyrim border before he collapsed from exhaustion and too much loss of blood. When he regained consciousness, he found his face had been bandaged and he'd been captured by what looked to be another troupe of guards. He asked the one who looked to be the captain where he was. The assumed captain of the guard coldly responded, "Why, you are in Skyrim fool and we know all about your foul deeds over the years and your recent attempted escape from the Bruma castle dungeons. Let's just say, you should have killed a certain Argonian when you had the chance. Unfortunately for you, we won't be returning you back to Cyrodiil. Well not alive anyway. We deal with criminal scum like you a little bit differently here in Skyrim. You'll see," the captain said with his teeth grated into a malicious grin.
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:45 pm

I was arrested when I admitted that I thought mudcrabs weren't nasty creatures :sadvaultboy:
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:46 am

Name: Aleksander Valen
Age: 26
Combat style: Battlemage
Weapons: Longsword and Destruction magic
Clothing/Armor: Light - Elven, Heavy - Ebony
Hair: Medium length, dark blonde
Eyes: Deep green eyes, with a scar covering the left eye (vertical)
Birthplace: Small settlement (now destroyed) in High Rock
Faction: Ex Mage's Guild member, expelled due to a murder charge

It was the 175 year of the 4th era. I was born in the town of Ravenfall, a small settlement in the hills of southern High Rock. Born the son of a blacksmith and housewife, I never knew a life of violence, apart some small-time spell casting dealing with problem-causing wolves. Until I turned 12. A group of bandits calling themselves the "Followers of the Red Dragon" attacked our town in the middle of the night. The miniscule guard we had didn't stand a chance.
In short, most the town didn't survive. Those without weapons fled for their lives, my mother dragging me by the hand with them. I watched my father become surrounded by several of the bandits... and that was the last I saw of him. Several months later, my mother and I travelled with a small merchant group to Cyrodill. We had enough gold left over to purchase a small hut on the outskirts of Bruma, an area becoming overflown with plenty of refugees fleeing problems from Skyrim.
The year 4E 194, my mother died of illness. I was 19 years, and living by myself, so I did something that seemed smart at the time. I sold the hut and most my belongings in order to buy a sword and begin travelling the land. To make a long story short, the following years were spent travelling alone, getting into several illegal duels, and ending up with me at the doorstep of the Arcane University. It seemed I had finally found a true home amongst others who loved the arts of magic as much as me.
But good things never last long. After 5 years of dedicating my time in the Mage's Guild, I got into a... slight disagreement with a higher-up mage. The heated battle ended with several other mages dead. And so I fled.
One year later, I found myself crossing into Skyrim. Due to some unfortuanate border laws being instituted due to problems with rebels in the province, I was sentenced to jail. It wasn't long after that my murder record from Cyrodil caught up to me. And here I sit, awaiting my execution in a few days.
I must find a way out...
There has to be a way...

This is a highly shortened version (and very poor version as well) of the short story I wrote about my character. It's a varation of my OB character, but I thought it suited much better for the era that Skyrim takes place in.
Hope it seems okay at the very least. :P
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:24 am

Race: Dunmer

Name: Malizia

Background: Imperial Town

Proffession: Unemployed.

Status: Adventurer

Personal ambition: Power

Moral compass: Absent

Regional Threat Level: Red
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:26 am

Always good to see one of these threads now and then. Just a short history for my Bosmer.

Name: Gydrich aka "Black Hat"

Race: Bosmer

Appearance: Classic Bosmer features, but in his advanced years (grey-haired), and taller than average for his kind. Prefers simple clothing of dark leathers and lightweight tunics, frequently hooded. Scarred from numerous close calls in combat. Long Bow + quiver strapped to his back, with a wide variety of small to medium sized blades on his person. Various gadgets, tools, and tertiary weapons adorned on his pack and belt.

Background: Prefers to keep his violent and confusing past from others, so not much is known to even those closest to him. Seeking a new beginning, and a quest for redemption from a previous life of treachery and betrayal. Gyd has seen many of his comrades die, and has taken a vow to change his ways and become a defender of peace. Taking up the mantle of a simple adventurer and quest seeker, he desires to traverse Tamriel, and see the wonders of the world.

Before his dream can even begin to take form, he is caught up in a border war between factions and is mistaken for a high ranking general who happened to be a Bosmer. Trying to defuse the situation through his new found sense of honor and purpose, he is only dragged deeper into his predicament. Eventually an execution is planned and with no viable non-violent solution, he is forced to kill his captors and escape. Fleeing into the foreign land of Skyrim, he has been branded an outlaw, with a hefty bounty for capture. Being so out of his element and out of practice since his days of combat, Gyd is eventually captured and taken into custody, sentenced to die yet again. A prisoner with no hope left, until an unexpected path opens up before him...
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:44 am

Name: Scorpius Vulcan
six: Male
Race: Imperial
Age: 42 (present)
Body Type: Athletic build
Combat style: Melee
Weapons: Longsword+shield
Clothing/Armor: Heavy plate armor
Hair: Blonde, shoulder length
Eyes: Brown
Home: Born in the village of Weye, located on the outskirts of the Imperial City
Faction: Imperial Legion (former), Blades

Story: Among the last of a dying order, Scorpius is one of the few Blades left in all of Tamriel following the collapse of the Septim Empire. Originally a soldier in the Imperial Legion, Scorpius gained admission into the Blades after repelling a band of what seemed like Highwaymen from attacking a small, lightly armored caravan (he later learned that they were assassins hired specifically to murder any surviving member of the Blades) . As Scorpius offered to guide the caravan party to the closest settlement, he was interrupted by the groups elder, who curtly replied - “Would like to join the Blades?”. To this day, even Scorpius himself knows not why such a complete stranger would extend such a puzzling offer - did the man detect an outside trait typically associated with the Blades? Was he impressed with his combat prowess? Or perhaps the Blades were simply in desperate need of new members? Regardless, Scorpius, after brief consideration, agreed. Scorpius was keenly aware of the fact that the Empire needed a strong, universally accepted emperor if his homeland was to cease the needless infighting, and it seemed that the Blades, even if they were a shadow of their former glory, were the only ones willing to locate and appoint a true leader for Cyrodiil.

Over the next few years, Scorpius, on top of his rigorous training, performed various tasks as a member of the Blades – political assassinations of corrupt and unscrupulous dukes and nobles seeking to usurp the throne, the occasional cloak and dagger, acted as bodyguard for select individuals, and often played mercenary for old friends of the Blades to ensure that their loyalty to the order remained absolute. Scorpius diligently served the Blades for fifteen years until he realized his time with the Blades was coming to an end - only he and a handful of Blades remained. Most members were slowly assassinated by old rivals or political factions, deserted, or perhaps most tragic of all, failed to absorb enough knowledge from their mentors to continue the tradition of the Blades.

Seven years later, Scorpius has abandoned any hopes of rebuilding the enigmatic order in Cyrodiil. With no alternatives left, Scorpius, in preparation for the prophesied return of Alduin, the World Eater and Nordic God of Destruction, has begun an expedition to the fabled Sky Haven Temple. Stationed deep in the icy, northern providence of Skyrim, the Sky Haven Temple is home to Alduin's Wall, a monolithic stone carving which foretells civil unrest following the assassination of the High King of Skyrim and the eventual destruction of Tamriel itself by Alduin's hands.

More than anything however, Scorpius is simply a disillusioned and broken warrior who has been cast aside for far too long. Perhaps his journey to Sky Haven Temple will indeed be a fruitless one, but it is one he wishes... no, needs to undertake for a personal, yet significant reason - it will give purpose to his crumbling and undisciplined life.

Reason for capture: Caught in Skyrim by mercenaries hired by a former rival of the Blades
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:18 pm

In the character generator, select random for dunmer, memorise his/her appearance. Play as an argonian assassin, hunt the NPC that looks remotely like the one I created.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:35 pm

Zack was like many of the Bosmers, a fisherman and hunter, living outside near Riverwood's river. One day while fishing Zack saw a pickpocket stealing from a Riverwood guard. Sack thought of the logical option and grabbed his bow and arrow and jamp in the nearest bush. He lined up his target, aiming for his back and fired... as a wolf jamp at Zack. Zack screwed up his fire and shot the guard he was trying to help in the throat, making the guard refined to the fence. The pickpocket saw his opportunity and grabbed the gold from the guard while stabbing a dagger into the guards chest instantly killing him. Sack rised from the bushes and ran towards the dead guard just as another guard come from around the corner. The guard looked at Zack seeing his bow and looked away but jamp at the sight of the dead guard. Since an arrow was saw in his throat, not seeing the stab wound in his chest, Zack was blamed.

And that's my backstory, sorry that it's quite long.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:53 am

My backstory:

"I am orc and have spawned in middle of nowhere, must begin destruction of landscape."
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:42 pm

Nord-Badass looking, Name: Usor, age:33, one scar down the face passing his eye making It a blind eye from tough past of losing the whole village he loved including his daughter by the Unknown and it in flames! (Revenge to the dragons! when he knows the truth) In prison for accuse of killing and burning the whole village and been in prison for 5 years until execution (that way It means my guy lost his skills and he is weak and at Lvl1) Born and grown in between the borders of SKYRIM and Morrowind. When he was young he learned mostly things from his father like how to use a sword, hammer and bow and he was hunting and selling his meat for gold, then he met the love of his life and had a child but she died of childbirth and then years and years until the the death of his village and put in prison.
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:43 pm

Name: Teleebra (Hits-Like-Child)
Race: Argonian
Gender: Male
Age: Late 20's
Place of birth: Black Marsh
Weapons: Uses a sharp elven dagger to take down his foes, as well as his fists as his secondary weapon, is also skilled with herb collecting and alchemy.
Alignment: Neutral
Profession: A professionally thief, a lodge bouncer and a alchemist.

Backstory: Teleebra was born in the town of Thorn in Black Marsh and raised by his mother and uncle, Teleebra was taught the ways of the thief and close combat with his fists by his uncle Teegla.

By the age of 17 he could already bring in stolen food for the family as well as ingredients for his alchemy experiments like a true thief, however his uncle got jealous and feared he would soon take his position in the town's secret exclusive Thieves guild. Teegla decided to kill Teleebra but make it seem like an accident, while Teleebra was practising his alchemy skills at his workbench, Teegla used a chameleon spell and while hidden sprinkled some Hist Sap from a Hist tree into his potion. When Teleebra picked up the potion he heard a crackle then a fizz, then in front of his very eyes the potion exploded leaving a ghastly mark on Teleebra's face (Hint the photo). When Teegla noticed Teleebra rise barely hurt he froze, he could suddenly hear the thuds of his heart grow louder and louder. A few seconds later his chameleon spell ran off and Teleebra, with an oozing face noticed him and gave off a shriek everyone in town could hear.

Sweat ran down Teegla's face into his mouth as he could almost taste his own fear. He ran as a few townsfolk rushed over, they tried grabbing him however he was too fast and managed to escape.

Teleebra clenching his face vowed a vendetta against his uncle and swore he would never stop until he's dead.

For many months he searched for his uncle but he soon realised he'd left the province, and by that time his mother had passed away, so Teleebra headed towards Leyawiin in Cyrodil and got a job as a bouncer in the Five Claws Lodge using his training from his uncle combined with his powerful fists to deal with drunken or unfriendly guests in the Lodge. People used to call him Hits-Like-Child but his name isn't to be taken seriously.

He knew he could easily pay the Dark Brotherhood or Morag Tong to track his uncle down but he wanted to be the one to deliver the killing blow on Teegla.

After working for almost 10 years of tracking down his uncle, stealing from others and killing bandits that got in his way, he got word of where Teegla might be, with confirmation he headed to Harlun's Watch where he could see his uncle attempting to pickpocket a gold pouch off one of the locals, he ran over, fists clenched tight, anger building up and with all his strength tackled him to the ground. His hands was tightly grasped around Teegla's neck, he said in a firm voice:

"Why did you do it, WHY!!!"

Before he could get an answer, Teegla passed away, he released his grasp as two locals ran over to restrain him, however he was too strong and in his anger killed one of them, a Dunmer Inn owner, who looked like he had barely reached 25. Other locals puzzled and shocked screamed in fear, at the time a few Imperial City guards were coming up the hill so in fear he fled as fast as he could.

He got a few metres within Skyrim where he stopped for a while to catch his breathe. He was later surrounded by Nordic authorities who must've caught on about what he did.

He was taken back to Whiterun when he was left in jail later to be sentenced, when court came into session by the end they could see he was guilty and sentenced him to death by execution.
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:46 pm

Another one- my 2nd guy.

A Argonian named Javec nevor, In the past having to escape from the serial killer in their parents home in the blackmarsh when he was only 9 years old, then he was starving and weak and near imperial land until this mysterious man who a Wizard High elf named only Knovak and he started training him and looking after Javec in his spire. He was taught alot about magic and how to be an expert in it and indeed he did, one day Knovak was murdered by this creature he created :chaos: and Javec used his best to cast him in the sky for him to fall and he did but he was shocked by the death of his guardian. He is 20 now and still got his master's spire but he didn't want to live in it as it will give his tough memories so he set out to explore until he came past an familiar face and It was his parent's killer but sadly he the killer just recognize him and they were for a fight to the death, Javec was in for revenge and the killer was in to get the job done! Javec was powerful, he use the spine pull to the spine attached with the head still and he did it with the killer head exploding and revenge was settle but this killer was a former Imperial noble and 3 guards arrested him for murder and was in for 15 years in prison until execution and the story goes on....
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:59 am

I am a guy who happened to be around when a giant had a stroke, the giant fell on my head and so I'm now tabula rasa, happy to be alive.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:12 pm

Name: Isolde

Race: Nord

Isolde der Starkad was born in a small cottage in the woods of Skyrim to Nordic parents. Her father insisted that they live out of sight and far from towns and villages for their own safety. Safety from what, he never told her. One day, when Isolde was still a child, her mother fell ill and she died on the road to a healer. Isolde's father, out of guilt that they lived so far from civilization, and her wife died because of it, decided to move to the city of Jehanna (High Rock), just across Skyrim's border. There, Isolde grew up in a small town with the Bretons, learned the way of the magic, and came to appreciate the finer things in life, becoming distant to her barbaric origins. To prevent this, her dad taught her to be a huntress and fighter, for it could be necessary in the future. When she turned 18, she married her childhood friend Leon and all 3 started living together in a small house. But one night, a group of Dunmer assassins attacked their home. They slew Isolde's father in his sleep, but Isolde and Leon awoke to the noise and ran away through the back door, to the woods, but the assassins pursued them. Leon cast a strong protection spell on Isolde to protect her, but was unable to protect himself until the assassins caught him. Isolde hid behind a tree and watched silently the Dunmers kill her husband and venture into the woods to look for her. When they disappeared from sight, she came out and kneeled near Leon's dead body, crying. There she found a dagger, on it etched the family name "Velothren". She then carried Leon's body all the way back home, and the next day, during the two men's funeral, she bid farewell to her friends and neighbors because she was parting for Skyrim, her homeland. Since her childhood, she had heard the name Velothren a lot. They were a noble Dunmer clan, ruthless and greedy with power. After the destruction of Vvardenfell, they had fled to Skyrim and settled there. For some reason that Isolde didn't know yet, they wanted her dead. She asked around in an inn and learned the approximate whereabouts of the Velothren manor. She was fully equipped when she arrived. She killed all the mercenaries and guards in the manor, and all those who tried fighting her. Finally, she ascended to the master bedroom, where the Patriarch Velothren was residing. She knew he was the head of all this. "Why did you do this?" she asked him. "Why do you want me dead?" The patriarch didn't reply. Isolde took out her dagger. The patriarch, in fear, anwered "Because you are a threat!" Isolde didn't understand. "I'm a threat to no one. I'm just a simple commoner. I.. I had never hurt anyone until this day.." The patriarch smirked. "But you have the power to. See what you did to my home. So destructive when you want to. You have the power in your blood, in your soul. That's why we had to dispose of your father too. Because you..." Isolde felt both her pain and temper rise up when she heard her father's name. This was it, her father's killer was in front of her, and she was still letting him talk rather than killing him right there. Without further hesitation she stabbed him in the chest. But the patriarch hadn't finished his sentence yet. With his last breath, he continued, " are the Dragonborn"

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Steve Bates
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:13 pm

Here's mine:
Name: Alan
Race: Breton
Age: 22
Alignment: Whatever he wants
Profession: whatever he can think of
Appearance: Short hair, medium stubble
Alan lived a mediocre life. He was on his way to Skyrim from Cyrodil until he was dumbstruck by a band of giants. He woke up with less of an imagination and less creative. He figured his life wasn't going to get any better, so he decided to pretend all the way through his life. Eventually he outright accepted pretending as his only way of life. He was out one night he pretended he was an Assasain, (with his hideout being a crate in the street) using his way to active imagination, he cut down a beggar in the street, unbeknownst to him a guard was staring right at him and that landed him in jail.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:35 pm

Hrol was born as the second child to a wealthy sea trader and was trained in naval warfare, but found close melee combat more to his liking. Traveling from port to port also allowed him to meet and train with many different people and he learned to integrate restoration and destruction into his fighting style. When his father died his older sister took over the ship and Hrol went into the mainland to take up adventuring. Finding little in common with the many honorless adventurers he have taken the path of the Crusader.
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Chase McAbee
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