Also i recommend you to play the Nord's Sorrow Soundtrack for maximum immersion.

I am Dragen, a Nord.
Me and my Dad lost a beloved member of the family when i was just a kid, my Mother.. My father was a Farmer and a good Hunter, i always helped him harvesting the crops and hunting with him.
We were very happy, living just us two and our Dog Rufus. Ah, how good that times were.. Every night we used to sat in front of the fireplace and tell some old tales and some jokes, laughing and eating a delicious food my father cooked for us.
When i was 16 my father recieved a letter of some Imperials threatening him, saying that if my father don't go to Cyrodiil immediately, they would come for him. So he left, and went to Cyrodiil. He called one Friend to stay with me for a while, Lurik. Then it was now just me, Lurik and Rufus. I was worried on what could happen to my Father, but Lurik always said to me that all is going to be fine.
2 years has passed, and i was 18 years old. My father didn't have come back, Lurik needed to go back to his family. I was independent, just me and Rufus. We went hunting, me and Rufus catched a few rabbits and some Deer. The sun was going down, almost night, we were going home when suddenly i heard a wolf howling, i pull out my Sword and start looking around. When i turned back i saw that Wolf coming for me and then Rufus defended me. He got wounded but still able to walk and still strong. Suddenly a pack o 4 Wolves came in our direction, we couldn't run, so we took a deep breath and faced the wolves with courage. I managed to kill 2 of them, Rufus managed to kill 1, but when i looked behind me, i saw that last Wolf, killing Rufus... It was terrible ! I managed to kill that last Wolf, but Rufus.. that poor Dog, didn't managed to survive... He was brave and strong, my friend since i was just 5 years old.. I lost another beloved family member.. That night, i got a Scar in my face by one of the Wolves.
Lots of years had passed, i was 29 years old, i was trying to live my life in peace, but i couldn't make my mind forget about the night my father went to Cyrodiil, and the night Rufus died.
Going to Falkreath a courier stopped me and gave me a Letter, it had been written by some of my father's contacts or friends in Cyrodiil.. It was written that my Father, my dad, died... When i read that i was so sad but at the same time so angry that i went back to my House, bagged my stuff, picked up my bow and my sword and making my way to Cyrodiil. The letter also said where i could find my Father's friend in Cyrodiil.. I've lost all my closest family members, my beloved ones.. My Mother, Rufus and now, My Father.. Consumed by anger i went right away to Cyrodiil, no one could stop me, i was going to discover why my father died ! But, when i was crossing the border, i got ambushed by a group of Imperial Legions... They took my stuff, and put me into a Carriage... Tired and Wounded i woke up and there was, in my front, Ralof.. a good man, he started to talk with me, and then i saw Ulfric Stormcloak on my right.. We were going to Helgen to be executed.. But, when we reach there, when i was almost being executed, a Dragon appeared ! It started attacking and destroying everything in his front.. but luckily me and Ralof managed to escape togheter.. I met his sister Gerdur, a good woman.
Now, i'm 30 years old and what is the most Strange of all ? I discovered that I am a Dragonborn. A simple man turns out to be Dragonborn ! I was no one before that... Now, i'm in Ivarstead. The Graybeards summoned me, tomorrow i'll be climbing the 7.000 steps to High Hrothgar.. Now the destiny of Skyrim it's in my hands ! I am Dovahkiin and i will not fail !
My name name is Dragen, and that's my story.