This is a project to improve the character behavior files to give characters new abilities as well as improving animation feedback mechanisms.
When released this will be a MODDERS RESOURCE!
I will include documentation on how to utilize the new features.
This thread will be used to document future developments. Feel free to request enhancements or to ask questions about Havok Behavior.
I will update this post with videos demonstrating the new features soon.
Mid-air combat
Characters can now attack while jumping, falling and landing. The animation transitions are fairly smooth and you don't even need a script to implement it! The game sends the attack animation events on key press even when you are in mid-air. You can even power attack! Though power attacking is still slightly bugged. No new animations required.
Underwater combat
This is what I am currently working on and initial progress is very promising. Characters can now equip weapons and attack while underwater. There are still a few things to work out such as the animation blend weights and unequipping weapons underwater but I'm not expecting any trouble with these things. This will require scripts to implement.
Block while staggering
I think that player can do this, I have allowed all actors to be able to do this by blending the arms of the blocking animation with the rest of the stagger animation. This will require scripts to implement.
Proper attack/block aiming
In third person you cannot properly aim your block or attacks. You can now. I have used animation modifiers to bend the character's spine based on the value of the pitch animation variable (which is set by the game code for the player only when weapons are equipped). This won't work for NPC's but I have added separate modifiers that are controlled by custom behavior variables. So if you want NPC's to aim their attacks/block you will have to set this custom behavior variable yourself via script.
Fake block state
Characters can now enter a state where the character is playing a blocking animation but is not actually blocking. In the combat mod I am working on, if the aggressor attacks low and the defenders block is aimed high, the defender is sent to this fake block state so that on hit the game will apply damage, hit decals, etc.. Combat modders should find this useful. This will require scripts to implement.
Ragdoll to wounded state
I hate that actors will either enter the bleedout state or die when low on health. Now after being ragdolled actors can enter a wounded state where they play one of the few wounded animations. A pose matching generator determines which wounded animation should be picked (the one that is a closest match to the current ragdoll pose). This will require scripts to implement.
Swimming feedback mechanisms
I have added new animation events and variables to indicate that the character is swimming.
Other stuff I forgot I did
I'll have a look through all the behavior files I've patched and update this post if I find other features I forgot to mention here.
Mid-air and underwater casting/shouting
If magic behavior was not such a f***ing mess this would be easy. Possible but could be difficult. Shouting should be fine.
Rolling while on the ground
It would be nice to be able to dodge attacks while on the ground. Possible but will require new animations.
Jump while sprinting
This will be difficult. Don't hold your breath.
Ground fighting
Based on an idea by Duke Patrick, attacking and blocking while on the ground should be possible.
Alternate attack animations
This is possible but it may require a lot of work. Note the new attacks will have the same attack data as existing attacks.
Patch for Fores New Idles
I'll talk to fore about this closer to release.
Some other stuff I cannot remember at the moment...