Lanky athletic Breton battlemage for my first char.
Second char will be a nord with "Big arms, small head". Big axe to go with it. Play a half illiterate Barbarian. I just wish the Intelligence stat wouldinfluence what info you get for a quest
Me: "Quest? For money?
Quest giver "Blah blah blah mountain blah, blah blah Scrib jelly. Blah blah crush..."
and off for the mountai to crush scribs!
And that would be a great way to implement AI reactions/gameplay to your intelligence. Reminiscent of Monty Python. "We want to see a program... about BRICKS!" "Bricks! Bricks!" (everyone starts throwing bricks at each other).
Barrel Chested and Full beard...
he's gonna be a Nord so a beard is a prerequisite in my book

Agreed, it's a beard neccessity. "I mean the, BEARD necessity, a simple Beard necessity, forget about your worries and your strife...