my playstyle has been conjure a creature then use one hand weapons and a shield. i am a level ten and i have 7 in health 2 in magic and 1 in stamina. should i stick with lots of health.
my playstyle has been conjure a creature then use one hand weapons and a shield. i am a level ten and i have 7 in health 2 in magic and 1 in stamina. should i stick with lots of health.
im about to go with bound weapons for the soul trap then use the atronachs for my creature. i havent got either of them yet, so i dont know how much magic they use.
if you are using conjuration as a main line ability for your melee stack stanima... pet takes agro... use stanima attack source against your enemy...
keep your pet happy..
fluffy.. good pet...take MY SUPER AUTOMATIC DEATH DEAL>..
fluffy goes to next target..
fluffy likes you play too... give yourself some health measure..
fluffy know you arent a [censored].
If you're playing vanilla, Atronachs (and all summons, except reanimated) have fixed levels, so they will be very strong at early levels and weak at high levels. Just fyi.
Bound Sword is super cheap. Bound Bow is pretty expensive early on, and Battleaxe is in between. Not that it matters much in the long run, since you can make all spells cost no magicka with Enchanting.
Also, you might want to be careful with Soul Stealer. It steals *EVERYTHING*, so if you have a hard-earned Grand Soul gem and kill a Skeever, you'll end up with a crappy Petty soul in your Grand Soul gem, unless you have empty lower-level gems on you.
With the Perks for cost reduction, every Spell in the Conjuration Tree except for Thrall Spells will be reduced to 120 or less Magicka. My Bound Sword Dual Wielder has a Daedric Cuirass of Peerless Conjuration that brings the cost of all of the Spells below 100 due to a 25% cost reduction. The extra Magicka for a Conjurationist can be obtained through Guild Quest Rewards, especially from the College of Winterhold.