Playing Fallout 3 again, now (modded to hell and back of course) and I find myself starting over, and starting over, and starting over.... as I realize, Oh, Crap, I need a 7 PER for this perk!
In general, I favor sneaky sniper builds where VATS is not useful --- VATS either won't activate as far out as I like to be, or if it does it lists the percentage as like 3% when I can visually get a headshot without VATS. Since I'm sneaking ~all~ the time, and not using VATs for sniper-accuracy, I figure I can lower PER. I don't mind spending extra time shuttling loot around, and do not melee at all, so STR only needs to be as high as it -needs- to be, bare minimum. Since I prefer to start fights from sneaking and END them quick at extreme range, I rarely have to worry about END, since foes drop before they can hit me. Since I sneak, I also won't be sprinting, so again END only needs to be as high as it needs to be to unlock perks I may want.
Since I sneak a lot, AGI is a prime candidate for high-score, for me. And if I do get surprised, and have to enter VATs, even with a low PER/accuracy, I should have enough action points to spray-and-pray. 
Intelligence and Luck are the big mysteries for me. I mean, if Intelligence only determines how fast you level, like many, I don't care. But often Intelligence will not only determine how fast you advance, but also what dialog options you might have available (same for any stat, really) so I am reluctant to totally dump INT. Luck affects crit chance as it always does, but not sure how it would interact with sneaking-criticals (if at all); thing that's still up in the air (for me) is the hint that Luck will determine what kind of loot you may get. If I end up crafting my own gear, it's largely irrelevant. And a lot of the "special loot" is likely to be stuff I'd just sell off anyway and never use (a special sledgehammer or something).
Charisma is the big sticking point for me. Everyone considers it a dump stat, which it would be if this were a pure FPS game. But it's a roleplaying game, and I want to have as many options as possible. Given a chance, my character would rather smooth-talk someone out of a fight than pull a gun. Catch is, in Fallout 3, I set my CHA at 1 and with various pieces of clothing and gear, it's already up to averge or so (and Speechcraft also determines a lot of dialog options, although that skill may be gone, making Charisma even MORE important).
In any event, I know I'm going to be making several characters before I settle on The One. Trying to see how the early interactions (combat, dialog, crafting, looting) are affected by the various high and low stats.
Certainly does seem like it'll be a lot harder to make decisions than in past games, though. Unless having a low starting total-points is because there are a LOT of ways to "fine tune" your stats, increasing the ones you feel need increasing, through leveling (other than Intense Training, which always seemed a waste of a perk).