character creation and personalization changes

Post » Sun May 01, 2011 3:33 pm

i found that most of the races " including the female variations " where lacking any attractiveness and also lacked many different choices for customizing your character.
this thread is based on customization ideas and request that we the community would like, i know their is a thread made specifically for fan ideas, but lets face it we need different threads specifically made for certain ideas focusing on specific parts of the game, not just a 17 page long thread filled with a smorgasbord of varied ideas.
i would like to see much more choices in hair, eyes, skin tine, and a slide bar that would determine the characters attractiveness or ugliness
what did you find to be missing or lacking in the customization and what would you like to see put in the character customization in the next TES game
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 12:52 pm

As long as they fix the skin colours i'm happy.
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noa zarfati
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:55 pm

I guess customization could use some work, but I won't know the difference anyway. I usually play in first person and besides, most of the time my character is wearing armor/clothes that cover up all of the fine detail of my character.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:26 pm

As long as they fix the skin colours i'm happy.

I dont know if i agree with this limitation...I think the only truely bad part is that your avatar can never change appearance after you set it in the beginning...I mean how much crabmeat do I have to eat before I get fat? why cant I cut my hair or change its style...if I am aging why am I not...aging? and for crying out loud...I want a tattoo is that so much to ask for...I will pay for it I promise...
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:48 am

idk, i just didn't like any of them....they looked like they where beaten with a ugly stick :(
some of the races don't necessarily need to look super fine but i always imagined elves as very attractive but the ones in oblivion looked like munchkins mixed with lumpy cottage cheese
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 3:06 pm

I dont know if i agree with this limitation...I think the only truely bad part is that your avatar can never change appearance after you set it in the beginning...I mean how much crabmeat do I have to eat before I get fat? why cant I cut my hair or change its style...if I am aging why am I not...aging? and for crying out loud...I want a tattoo is that so much to ask for...I will pay for it I promise...

Would all be great but i will be able to live without.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:23 pm

Would all be great but i will be able to live without.

Sure we all could live without those little things but it is little things like that that make you say "Man I got to show someone this!"
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:22 pm

I'd like the Dunmer to return to their Morrowind-style appearance. That would introduce your tattoos as well.

I'd like beast races to be more like Morrowind too, rather than just having human proportioned bodies. But I'd still like to be able to wear boots and helmets. It isn't too farfetched to imagine some Argonian smith has created a boot design and helmet shape for beast races. And besides, helmets designed specifically for horned Argonians and maned Khajiit could look awesome.

Most importantly, I don't want sliders to affect each other. So often I would spend ages getting a character's cheekbones or forehead looking just the way I want, only to have them change when I alter the eyes and jawbone. Leave the other sliders alone! I know they're all connected together, and altering someone's jawbone might well have an affect on their chin, but that's not something you want to see in a character creation program. I'm not sitting there thinking: "Wow, look how clever this is! These sliders impact on other sliders! That's so clever!" I'm sitting there thinking: "@!#}ng stop changing all my choices!"

Ideally the male Bosmer shouldn't look like kids with mild down syndrome either, but that would change the lore, and a lot of people get angry when lore changes, even if it does improve things.

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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 8:48 pm

I'd like the Dunmer to return to their Morrowind-style appearance. That would introduce your tattoos as well.

I'd like beast races to be more like Morrowind too, rather than just having human proportioned bodies. But I'd still like to be able to wear boots and helmets. It isn't too farfetched to imagine some Argonian smith has created a boot design and helmet shape for beast races. And besides, helmets designed specifically for horned Argonians and maned Khajiit could look awesome.

Most importantly, I don't want sliders to affect each other. So often I would spend ages getting a character's cheekbones or forehead looking just the way I want, only to have them change when I alter the eyes and jawbone. Leave the other sliders alone! I know they're all connected together, and altering someone's jawbone might well have an affect on their chin, but that's not something you want to see in a character creation program. I'm not sitting there thinking: "Wow, look how clever this is! These sliders impact on other sliders! That's so clever!" I'm sitting there thinking: "@!#}ng stop changing all my choices!"

Ideally the male Bosmer shouldn't look like kids with mild down syndrome either, but that would change the lore, and a lot of people get angry when lore changes, even if it does improve things.

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I hated the Morrowind argonians and khajiit's.

they are fine.
Wouldn't mind them having claws though.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 11:04 pm

I dont know if i agree with this limitation...I think the only truely bad part is that your avatar can never change appearance after you set it in the beginning...I mean how much crabmeat do I have to eat before I get fat? why cant I cut my hair or change its style...if I am aging why am I not...aging? and for crying out loud...I want a tattoo is that so much to ask for...I will pay for it I promise...

There is an existing game which does all of this to a superb degree (in my opinion) ....... [drumroll please]........ Fable II. Introducing that kind of gameplay aspect to TES, in my opinion, would be a great idea.

I personally would like the tattoo option to come back, but better, than MW.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:14 pm

There is an existing game which does all of this to a superb degree (in my opinion) ....... [drumroll please]........ Fable II. Introducing that kind of gameplay aspect to TES, in my opinion, would be a great idea.

I personally would like the tattoo option to come back, but better, than MW.

The downfall to Fable 2 is that the developers probably will never release the game to Windows for another 2-4 years
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:02 am

I dont know if i agree with this limitation...I think the only truely bad part is that your avatar can never change appearance after you set it in the beginning...I mean how much crabmeat do I have to eat before I get fat? why cant I cut my hair or change its style...if I am aging why am I not...aging? and for crying out loud...I want a tattoo is that so much to ask for...I will pay for it I promise...

No aging please =).
I don't like to look old, or to die...

But I agree there should be a barber shop and an option to customize the body.
In Saints Row 2 there was a good system to change every aspect of the character. I would like to see something like this.

Then we can see people with different body types in TES. That would be totally awesome! =)
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:51 am

I want to make my character look distinct. I'd actually happily swap body sliders for a dozen or so pre-set faces, hair styles, hair and skin and eye color - like in Morrowind, NWN, NWN2, and Silverfall. For TESIV, I felt that unless you pushed those sliders to the extreme ends of the spectrum, the faces just end up all looking the same.

Humans notice broad details for distinguishing between individuals. Facial shape, eye color, hair style, that sort of thing. It's like drawing caricatures - you've got to have something that stands out, a few distinguishing, extreme features.

I also think the TES games would greatly benefit from at least three different body types per race - chubby, lean, muscular - that sort of thing. All the NPCs in TESIV (and yeah, TESIII, too) where fit as a fiddle - really, where's the fat merchant stereotype. :P
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steve brewin
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 8:06 pm

I want to make my character look distinct. I'd actually happily swap body sliders for a dozen or so pre-set faces, hair styles, hair and skin and eye color - like in Morrowind, NWN, NWN2, and Silverfall. For TESIV, I felt that unless you pushed those sliders to the extreme ends of the spectrum, the faces just end up all looking the same.

Humans notice broad details for distinguishing between individuals. Facial shape, eye color, hair style, that sort of thing. It's like drawing caricatures - you've got to have something that stands out, a few distinguishing, extreme features.

I also think the TES games would greatly benefit from at least three different body types per race - chubby, lean, muscular - that sort of thing. All the NPCs in TESIV (and yeah, TESIII, too) where fit as a fiddle - really, where's the fat merchant stereotype. :P

totally agree. All of oblivions characters looked the same after a while. They made some major improvements with Fo3 - old characters, beards etc. BUt they still all had the same body. I don't necessarily want to be the fat guy, but it would make the game a little better to have some in it. Maybe include a feature where if you ate too much you put on the odd pound. I always feel a little slighted that GTA Sa had this feature but the "go anywhere, do anything" game didn't.
At the end of the day though, I don't really spend too much time customizing my character because it has no effect on the gameplay. What if they had an 'attractiveness' attribute and the better looking you were, the better the service (the world works that way, face it!) but at the same time, plain looking characters would be easily forgotten - a good feature for theives and ne'er do wells. Again FO3 had bits like this with lady killer perk.
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 12:09 am

The lack of light really distorts facial features and tone and hair colour, so I think I'm making some good-lookin babe but she turns out to be a troglodyte once I step out into the sunlight.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 8:46 pm

As long as they fix the skin colours i'm happy.

That will be neutral lighting. It would be a good idea if we could change the skin and at the same the time, the room isn't lighten up or darken up but right in the middle.

EDIT: Ya... Basically what raithen said above me about the lighting.

I want to make my character look distinct. I'd actually happily swap body sliders for a dozen or so pre-set faces, hair styles, hair and skin and eye color - like in Morrowind, NWN, NWN2, and Silverfall. For TESIV, I felt that unless you pushed those sliders to the extreme ends of the spectrum, the faces just end up all looking the same.

Humans notice broad details for distinguishing between individuals. Facial shape, eye color, hair style, that sort of thing. It's like drawing caricatures - you've got to have something that stands out, a few distinguishing, extreme features.

I also think the TES games would greatly benefit from at least three different body types per race - chubby, lean, muscular - that sort of thing. All the NPCs in TESIV (and yeah, TESIII, too) where fit as a fiddle - really, where's the fat merchant stereotype. :P

I would agree as well.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 3:38 pm

That will be neutral lighting. It would be a good idea if we could change the skin and at the same the time, the room isn't lighten up or darken up but right in the middle.

Or better yet, the option to alter the lighting during character creation, as well as where the light is coming from.

Being able to move the light source around, as well as making it brighter or darker, could be a really useful tool.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 10:51 pm

I thought the face editor was pretty good. And I could make some pretty attractive girls :D. Problem is the texture for the faces was horrible, I had to go through many mods till I found one that looked realistic. More skin detail woulld bne great, better more attractive bodys would be great, and high resolution textures for the face and body would be awsome. I had no end of agony trying to remove the grey patches and marks from my face because of the way the face colours worked, The colors mixed in places and all you got was grey. Oh and your face skin color often ddint match the skin color and shading of the body so you would end up with a colour divide accross the neck wich looked horrible. For a new TES game please improve the textures/colours because that was the major down fall of those editors.
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Kari Depp
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:48 pm

in my mind it is the little things that are taken from other games and improved on to fit a games features is a great thing, everyone in the gaming industry think that the newest thing is the best thing when in fact its allot better to take small things from other games and fit them to your game, this only works for the little things aka taking customization ideas or look at the varied ways other rpg's create npc's

i would love to make a character that looks exactly like me aka us project natal to take a picture of me and create a nice TES version, maby do what the mii's on the wii did by letting players make a avatar and put it in a list, so lets say you want your thief to look like snoop dog for some odd reason.....just type in snoop dog on the bethesda TES avatar list will and the server and give you a list of the top player created avatars tabbed with the word snoop dog " i know it sounds stupid in that context but it would be interesting to look for other choices "
i would love a assassin that looked like Ozzy Osborn :)
love the feedback, ideas, and opinions
ps who else would like a big differential of choices in weight and height??? i do
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 10:13 pm

But I find alot of developement compnies are "seflish" , i mean more like "its mine, and ill do it my way", "no we wont look at that, this is OUR game and we want to make something new and unique (and utter [censored]). So rather than take the good things out of what games have come before, they try to make thier own versions. even if it is influenced by certain features of another game, it will still be completely different. Which is totally messed in the head in my opinion. no companies ever take "what works".

Take Stalker for instance. Stalker was a great game (once it had been fixed). then they made a sequal (clear Sky) , and took out many of the things players liked and replaced them with other 'new' features, which were horrible. Now they've made Call of Prypiat and from what I hear its very devoid of life. they've made 3 realy big maps, but only 3 of them. they've added the wandering stalkers back into the game but have taken out creatures and anomilies. So rather than make a rehash of STALKER but with a new story, they've gone and made a completly new game. Good thing its mod freindly.

Now take Bethesda for example. From what I hear and have read on these forums Morrowind is a realy good game, with lots of lore and an immersive story. Oblivion is devoid of alot of Lore (from what I read here) and the landscape and creatures and game play is very cliche. And I read "We dont want to start making a new elder scrolls game untill weve got a fresh new idea and new game play ideas" or something like that. Now they could make an unreal tournament rip off and put TES in its name and it would be "different" to the previous elder scrolls game. But what they should be doing is thinking "ok, what did we do right?, what do fans love about the previous games? and how can we implement that in the next game?".... but they wont.
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:29 pm

More hair styles, I do not like the styles they give you.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:41 pm

More hair styles, I do not like the styles they give you.


I do like the styles they gave us though. :D

But burn all the elf haircuts!
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Yama Pi
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:31 pm

You people are so shallow. Only going after the looks are we? I need:

-Ability to alter my attributes. If I want an unlucky character, I should be able to make it without console commands.
-Ability to alter my skills.
-At least 30 skills, 35 in my skill list. 10 primary, 10 secondary.
-Advantages and disadvantages instead of lousy birthsigns.
-Ability to adjust my disposition in social groups.

Plus of course some visual things, like sliders for height and body fat.

What I dont need is a tutorial dungeon. Just slap a frigging character sheet with millions of choices on my face and I'm already drooling.
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Peter lopez
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 12:44 pm

You people are so shallow. Only going after the looks are we? I need:

-Ability to alter my attributes. If I want an unlucky character, I should be able to make it without console commands.
-Ability to alter my skills.
-At least 30 skills, 35 in my skill list. 10 primary, 10 secondary.
-Advantages and disadvantages instead of lousy birthsigns.
-Ability to adjust my disposition in social groups.

Plus of course some visual things, like sliders for height and body fat.

What I dont need is a tutorial dungeon. Just slap a frigging character sheet with millions of choices on my face and I'm already drooling.

I always thought the toturial dungeon from Ob was fun like hell. :o
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Sara Lee
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:44 pm

Bethesda should really look at Dragon Age's character creation system it had one of the best i've ever seen.
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