If anyone has played Aion, perhaps a similar system to that.
I always found it stupid that if you were a Male Orc, you were the EXACT same size as every other bloody Male Orc in the realm, despite being the only one that dungeon crawls and fights hordes of enemies compared to the smart ass upper-class kin that roamed the streets of the Capital spouting about how the emperor had been murdered, even though this was news from at least 4 in-game months ago!!
Bodily customization, such as making your character a bit fatter (if you want) should also play part in how you perform in combat

Perhaps as you level up physical abilities such as Weaponry talents and heavy armour, your character should gain muscle mass.
Likewise, a Caster is less likely to beef up, but more likely to have a somewhat "enthralling presence" about them.
Beards, because nothing says "I SLAY DRAGONS [censored]" like a manly beard!
More customizable Hairstyles, perhaps instead of having 8? to chose from, there should be the ability to edit the Fringe, Sides, Body and Back of your characters hair style. This creates much MUCH more options to customize with and would perhaps make me chose a style other then
Rogue Knot or
If it isn't already in the game, perhaps a Barber tattoo artist (I know, a little too similar to Fable) and even special crafters that can use Pelts and Loot to customize and create special armour and weapons tailored to your character

I really hope some of these features are taken into consideration by the team, and can't wait till 11/11/11
