Let’s decide what is the best character development method for a TES game.
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Character Development.
Character development and the options to give each character a unique personality with unique characteristics, giving the players the range of choices to develop their character as they like:
This topic is always one of the most important aspects of an RPG game, so it better be a solid and versatile implementation with a lot of options for us to develop unique characters, but these aspects have different importance for different people, so I decided to make a poll to see what is the most popular notion for a solid character development system.
I will try to make a complete poll to encompass all the different tastes, but in some cases I will write about the system that I think is the best method of developing out unique characters.
And please post your point of views, if you think that I have erred in any aspect of it, or if you think additional clarification is needed, and please let me know if I have missed a choice in the polls.
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Character Level.
In most of current RPG games, the very core of character development is the character level.
In current TES games, it defines the scale of the challenges that you encounter and the scale of the items that you find, and your total health and the like.
I do not say that they are the best choice for the effect of a character level, but I'm saying that they are some effects that are currently implemented.
So you gain levels by accumulating some factors and then you have a choice to change your character a bit more, and also it has additional passive effects on the character's experience in the game environment.
So we have three different subjects about player character level:
- How you gain a level?
- How you can advance your character while in level-up session?
- How your current level, passively affects your character's experience with the game environment?
In Arena, Fallout series and most of mainstream RPGs you gain levels by gaining experience points, and experience is gained by killing monsters, completing quests, and reaching defined milestones.
In current TES games, you gain levels by raising your character's skills, but only a portion of your character's skills affect your character's level, which was not a good choice, as it encourage power-gaming to raise the skills that do not affect your character's level to become more powerful in lower levels, especially as your character's level affects the scale of the challenges that your character encounters.
OK, I will list the choices here and give some information and maybe my opinion of them after that.
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How you gain a level?
You gain levels by gaining experience points. Like in fallout series.
OK, this is a choice, but the implementation is a bit harder than TES method, as you have to give the players experience points as they kill monsters, or complete quests and so on...
And it should be balanced, so that an acquired amount of experience points, after killing a monster or completing a quest, do not feel out of place.
And IMO this does not belong to a TES game.
You gain levels by advancing your primary skills.
This is the current method in the TES game series, and IMHO this is not the best choice.
As you advance your skills by usage, some of them (your primary skills), are counted toward your character level, and after some skill advancement, you gain a level.
This method lets the players to use only their non-primary skills as a way of power-gaming so that they gain maximum attribute gain factors at level-up sessions, which is not the best way of behaving in a role playing game.
You gain levels by advancing any of your skills. (Equally or Weighted)
This is a better method of leveling, as all your skills result in gaining levels, so this type of power-gaming is out. Your Primary skills can affect your character development in another way, i.e. they advance quicker than the other skills.
Skill advancement can have a weighted effect on character level, so Primary skills affect the character level a bit more than other skills. For instance they count as 1.2 regular skill advancement.
You gain levels by a completely different method. (Please Specify)
For instance you might say that we gain levels by a combination of both advancing in skills and gaining experience as well. Or you might want to suggest a completely different method.
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How you can advance your character while in level-up session?
In level-up sessions, you have a choice to advance some of your skills.
Like in Fallout games, you gain level by other methods and in level-up sessions, you advance your skills. Not a TES game IMHO.
In level-up sessions, you have a choice to raise some of your attributes, depending on your previous skill usages.
The current TES game method, and it would force the players to power-game before level-up sessions to have the best attribute gain factors. Not a good choice.
In level-up sessions, you have a choice to raise some of your attributes, as a small bonus.
For instance, you cannot freely raise your attribute much, or you raise them dynamically in the game as you advance your skills, but in the level up sessions, you can raise one, or a few of your attributes by a fixed amount, for instance one point.
In a scenario, your character can not advance it's attributes that much, and those semi-fixed attributes shape your character's abilities, as they affect your skill advancement speeds and limits, or your ability to use weapons, armors and other items, and so on...
Then, at level-up sessions, you have a choice of raising just one(or two) attributes by one point, and that can be a free choice, or a choice depending on your skill advancement beforehand, i.e. if you have used mainly your physical skills beforehand, you can raise one of your physical attributes by one point, and so on...
This can be a plus point for gaining levels, as this is the only way to raise an attribute, if only by one point, and it would not result in power gaming, because you cannot raise your attributes more than one point.
The fact that you cannot raise your attributes that much has a side effect that the items that raise your attributes become more valuable and a perfect choice for a quest reward.
In level-up sessions, your attributes are recalculated depending on your current skill levels.
This is another method to prevent power-gaming. You gain a level and your attributes are recalculated from your current skills, without your interference.
In level-up sessions, you have a choice of perks to pick up from. (This can happen in every few levels)
Like the current method of Fallout games, every few levels, you have a choice to add a perk that affects an aspect of your character a bit, but we can expand on the notion, so:
Those perks can have some inter-dependency as well as some other requirements like character level or skill levels and so on...
The original birth sign effect can also be counted as a perk or trait that you select at the start of the games, and can gradually advance on some of its aspects as you gain level, or you can select other perks as they become available as you gain level or advance in skills and then you can advance those perks to their higher level versions as they become available as well.
So IMHO a proper way to gain perks except for initial character traits and birth signs are from expert teachers, but you could replace your perks with their more advanced versions in level-up sessions if their requirements are met.
In level-up sessions, your character automatically gains some other actor values, like health, magicka, fatigue...
Like current TES games for health gain.
In level-up sessions, you have a chance to add some damage resistance bonus to your character.
Every few levels your character can gain a little bit of resistance to a negative effect, like this list:
- Physical damage.
- Poison damage.
- Fire damage.
- Cold damage.
- Lightening damage.
- Magic damage.
- Mind Control.
- Disease.
In level-up sessions, you have a chance to advance your character in a totally different way. (Please specify)
I don't know, maybe adjust your fame a bit, or regain lost attributes, or something else...
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How your current level, passively affects your character's experience with the game environment?
Your current level fully affects the scale of the items that you find in the shops.
The current TES games choice, and not a good one IMHO.
Your level decides what items you find in shops to buy.
Your current level partially affects the scale of the items that you find in the shops.
By this partially I mean a few different things that I will describe here:
I think that the best choice for level scaling the world around the player would be position based, not character based, so an area can be defined as a newbie area, so the monsters/loots/shops are scaled to be suitable for newbie characters, (not affecting the manually designed stuff), and some places are marked suitable for mid-level characters, so the monsters/loots/shops are scaled to be suitable for a mid-level character and so on...
So in a newbie area, shops generally supply stuffs that are suitable for newbie characters, but depending on character level, some items have a small chance to be a few levels above the general level of the area, and a few items have a minimal chance to be way beyond the level of the area, and this chance can be affected by the difference of the character level with the area level.
If a low level character can reach a place that is designed for higher level character, and find a merchant/shop there, then he can find items for sale that are above his level, but the price tag on the items would be above his normal income of selling low level loots, and the higher level merchants would haggle harder than the merchants found in the lower level areas.
Maybe he can sell all his current loot and pay all his savings to acquire an item that is way beyond the loots that he finds in his normal tours.
Your current level fully affects the scale of the monsters that you encounter.
Current Oblivion method that is generally acknowledged as one of its most glaring flaws, (if not The Most).
Your current level partially affects the scale of the monsters that you encounter.
Again like the shop example above, monsters can be level scaled to the area, not the player level, so in a newbie area, you encounter low level monsters, and in a dangerous place you encounter higher level monsters.
In a place that is tagged as mid-level difficulty, you would generally encounter monsters that are suitable for mid-level players, but a spawn point has a chance of spawning higher or lower level monsters, depending on the player character level.
So if a low level character enters a mid-level place, some monster spawn points have a chance of spawning monsters that are a bit lower than what the area level suggests, and this affects their loot as well. The chance of spawning lower level monsters can depend on the level difference of the player and the area as well as the difficulty slider.
On the other hand when a player enters an area that is marked as below his current level, he would generally encounter monsters that are leveled below his current level, but still there is a chance of encountering higher level monsters, depending on his level's difference with the difficulty level of the area.
Your current level fully affects the scale of the loots that you find on monsters and containers.
Again the current method of TES games, which IMO is not a good idea.
Your current level partially affects the scale of the loots that you find on monsters and containers.
A much better method, is that the loot that you find on monsters, should be fully scaled to their level not player level and not even the area level, so in any place if a character of any level kills a monster, the loot found on that monster should only be scaled to the monster level, (not considering manually added stuff).
Your character level might partially affect the level of the monsters that you encounter, and that would affect their loot, but that's an indirect effect.
The loot found on containers should be generally scaled to the difficulty level of the area, but just like the shop example, the level of the player can partially affect the loot found on the containers, and that is really how it affects the items found on the shops for sale.
Your current level should affect some dialog options.
Well this is a good idea:

Guard to player: Don't go there you would not survive for long.
Or: Do not test my patience, I have crushed bugs with more class than you.
Or: You seem adequately experienced for this task, but beware of the...
Or: Well for a person of your dignity, this village has nothing of importance, except maybe...
Your current level should affect monster/enemy behavior toward you.
Your level compared to your opponent's level, should have some effect on the enemy AI, so when a lone wolf sees a newbie player it might decide to try its chance against the player, but as soon as a high level player enters an area, the wolf pack would scatter away, as if he has a reputation of wolf killer.
Your current level would affect your game-play in another way. (Please specify)
For instance, some events trigger only for higher level characters, and so on...
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Character Skills.
Skills and their developments are one of the more important aspects of the character development in the current RPG games, so it has to be implemented in a way that would satisfy the average gamers, without confusing them.
The players have to sense their progression without having to look at the numbers, and those skills have to be chosen and developed for characters because they are needed for the character, or give the players more satisfaction to have them, and not because of some problematic system that forces the players to choose them for their characters.
For instance in Oblivion you chose a character class with primary skills that you do *not* want to use to avoid gaining level, because gaining level actually makes the game harder for the players.
But if gaining levels was a sought event like in Fallout series, and enough advancement in any of the skills would result in a level gain, and character class and its primary skills would help shape the final character in a more definite way, then it would result in a more straightforward game-play and more enjoyable game altogether.
I have a lot to say about skills and the best method of their implementation in an RPG game, but it would need a separate thread of its own, so I stop here and do not even make a poll about them, because some of the poll choice items would need detailed info which I want to avoid here.
I just want to talk about their progression rate and their limits now:
IMHO you should always be able to raise your skill levels as you practice them without any hard limits over their cap, but there should be a soft cap over your skill advancement.
So you start a skill at level 5 for instance and you are called "Novice" in that skill, you can advance your skill by practice, but in order to be called "Apprentice" in that skill, you have to find at least a journeyman teacher of that skill and prove to him that you are a worthy apprentice for him so that he would accept you as his apprentice, and teach you the initial tricks of apprenticeship on the skill.
So when you are a novice in a skill, you would have a soft cap of 25 over your skill advancement, so until that cap level, you can freely improve your skills as you like, but of course the progression of that skill will slow down a bit as you raise your skill level, but as you reach the level that is the current soft cap over that skill, your skill progression rate starts to drop significantly more as you start to advance in that skill, so for the next few levels, the progression rate is still manageable, but soon you would find out that you need to attend to that skill master and become his apprentice in order to be able to improve that skill in any acceptable rate.
After you are officially acknowledged as an "Apprentice" in a skill, the soft level cap over your skill progression raises to "Journeyman" level which is probably 50, and your skill progression rate reverts to the normal uncapped level, but as before it starts to drop a bit as you raise your skill level, and after the new cap you have to seek a higher level master, or current master if he can manage that (at least an expert in that skill), to become a "Journeyman" in the skill, and raise the cap to the "Expert" level, and so on...
So an "Apprentice" level teacher can teach your novice level character about a skill, but you need to find a "Journeyman" level teacher to be able to get acknowledged as an "Apprentice", and also those masters might ask for a fee for this task and might even send you for a quest of their own before they graduate you to the next level of mastery in that skill.
When you are at "Expert" level of a skill, in order to be called a "Master" of that skill, you have to find the unique grand master of that skill, and become graduated as a master of that skill, that would be at level 100 or a few level above that, and after that you would not have a solid cap over your skill progression, but the rate of your skill progression would start to drop as you advance your skill until the time that it would practically take weeks before you can raise your skill level from 145 to 146 and so on...
In each advancement in the skill mastery, the road for you to gain some new skill perks would open, so some perks require you to be actually acknowledged as an "Apprentice" of a skill, and some perks need you to be an "Expert" in that skill, but unlike Oblivion, I suggest that those perks need to be learned from their appropriate teachers not automatically gained as you reach the required skill level.
I will write more about perks in their own section.
I think that each graduation to a higher skill mastery level requires a minimal level for the attribute governing that skill, so if you need to become a journeyman of Marksmanship, you need to have at least 40 agility, and to become an expert one in that skill you need at least 60 agility and so on...
If we play a game that does not let us raise our attribute much in the course of the game than those requirements should be a bit lower.
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Character Attribute.
As for attributes, I think that we have to be more realistic about them, and that is, as we are playing characters that do not change shape, or grow older in the few weeks that pass in the game time, then their attributes should not change a lot in the course of the game, so if your orc is muscular and heavy built, you should not be able to morph that into a really agile being as you develop your skills that depend on agility, and you have to be more apt with developing skills that require strength compared to the skills that require agility for instance.
I think that we can borrow a bit from Fallout 3 here, thus after the character generation phase those attributes should not change a lot, except for the spells and enchantments that affect them, so a ring that increases the strength would become an important object, or better clothing can increase personality, so you should keep some with you if you want to impress people.
On the other hand some quest rewards can add a bit to one of our character's attributes and that would be a perfect gift, and at each level-up screen you can be gifted with the choice to add one attribute(or two) by just one point, and you could choose the attribute(s) from the three attributes that their respective skills has been used more in the last level.
Although a mod can alter some GMST values in a way that would change the choice of one attribute to three and change the amount from one point to the method that was used in Morrowind and Oblivion.
In this case, the heavy armors that affect agility negatively are important matters to speculate about, but those should be naturally implemented, so that with a glance, or with a bit of experience, an average player can sense that wearing that heavy suite of armor would affect his ability to sneak past guards, so those negative effects can be shown in clumsy animation for sneaking efforts, while those heavy joints noisily creak away.
In the current games, Items and spells that affect the attributes are not so important compared to other spells like the ones that directly damage the opponent or heal a character, but if we cannot increase our attributes that much in the course of the game, then those items or spells become important.
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In the character development phase we should have some options to tweak our attributes as we like, but in a way that would satisfy both experienced players and the new ones, so for instance:
Each combination of race and six can have a set of default values for each attribute as well as the minimum and maximum values for those attributes, so when you select a race and a six, you will start with the default attribute values for that combination.
After that, you can change your character's attribute within the ranges that are defined for them and also you have a limited attribute pool, so if you want to increase an attribute to its highest limit, then you should reduce some other attributes within their defined limits.
And those limits are different for each combination of race and six, so for instance even if you can increase a female nord's personality to 70, your maximum personality limit for a male orc would be 40.
After the selection of race and six, a window opens and shows the default template for that combination; a character with the default body and head, but you could focus on each part and personalize that part, so for instance you could select the head (face) and try to change its features, or you can click on the attributes button and change the attributes that belong to this part of the body, i.e.: personality, will power, intelligence and sight maybe.
Or you can select the body and personalize that part, so for instance you can tweak the body color tone within the race's limits and select the skin texture and tattoos, and so on, and by skin textures I mean its bump-map and shininess, and so on..., and after that you can tweak endurance, strength, speed and agility:
Changing the endurance attribute would visually affect the bulk of your body and torso.
Changing the strength attribute would visually affect the muscle tones on arms and shoulders.
Changing the speed attribute would visually affect the muscle tones on the legs, but might also negatively affect the bulk of the torso.
Changing the agility attribute would visually affect the shape of hand and also negatively affect the bulk and muscle tone of the torso, arms and legs.
Those sliders do not need to show any number, but when you change an attribute you change the remaining pool positively or negatively, and finally when you are finished with adjusting your character's attributes, your attribute pool should be again at zero, and you would not be able to proceed unless it is at zero.
Those sliders can be marked with some distinct icons to show their purpose, so for instance the icon for each attribute can be like this:
Endurance: a bulky torso carrying a bag.
Strength: an arm wielding battle axe.
Speed: a pair of running legs in boots.
Agility: a posed knife in a hand.
Sight: a watchful eye.
Intelligence: an exposed brain.
Will power: two confronting faces.
Personality: a talking and smiling pair of lips.
As for luck, I think that attribute can finally retire gracefully from the character development, and give its place to a more useful and visibly effective attribute like character sight or insight.
You can easily remove luck from the equations and replace their effect with the character's skills and other attribute that affect the subject, and maybe some other elements like the effect of the environment or perks and so on...
After completing the selection phase for race and six and facial and body features, we can go on to the phases that we select our character's class, birth sign and even more customizations like background or traits and so on... And those phases can affect our attributes as well and increase or decrease them.
And all of those phases can be more enriched by the help of those perks that I have described in detail in the other thread.
After the character generation phase is finally complete and you start the actual game, you would have some very limited opportunities to alter your character's attributes, and those attributes can define the outline of the type of character that you like to role-play, although you can still tweak that out-line a bit in the course of the game.
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Character Perks and Traits.
First of all perks are great addition to the attribute/skill developments but they have not been implemented quite that well in the TES and Fallout game series, although Fallout's perks were a bit better than Oblivion's.
I have made a http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1107940-perks-they-can-make-each-play-through-a-unique-experience/ about them that is a good read.
Perks are great addition to the subject of character development because they can be easily understood and can be very visual and specific in what they do, and can have lasting and apparent effect on characters, and can be implemented in a way that would not fade away as the character grows.
When a character is created at the start of the game, you have a choice of adding some initial "Traits" to him, for instance a background story that adds its own unique perk to the character, or a birth sign that likewise adds its own perk to the player.
Perks can be inter dependent and might require some minimum levels for the character and/or some of his skill masteries and/or attributes, so all the perks might not be acquirable at the start of the game, and need you to reach a milestone before you can gain them.
And each perk can have some upgraded versions of them that have higher requirements, that when achieved you could replace the lower version with the higher one.
At each level-up session you can have an opportunity to upgrade just one of your perks, if its requirements are met, or some perks are free to be gained at start-up sessions, and do not require the players to learn them from a teacher, like acquiring a little bit of protection from a type of damage, and so on...
The character background perk and the birth sign perks can also have higher level versions that could be acquired at level-up sessions, as their requirements are met, so you start with a basic ability of being able to fade away briefly with the initial perk given by the "Shadow" birth sign but you could gradually acquire its higher level versions as you gain levels, so the birth sign would not lose its usefulness at higher levels.
So practically each perk that you acquire during the course of the game can have higher level versions that would have higher levels of requirements for you in order to be able to acquire them, and when you meet those requirements, if they are not marked as "Requires a teacher to learn", then you can replace the lower version of the perk with the higher level one in a level-up session.
Skill perks and the perks that indicate your mastery level in a skill, do require you to learn them from an expert teacher of the skill, but as long as you learned a skill perk of the skill, the perk might have a higher level version that you might be able to acquire as you meet the upgraded requirement for the next version of the perk, in a level-up session.
So for instance you could learn the perk "dual wield" from a teacher, because you were an acknowledged apprentice in a melee skill and had 40 agility and so on...
The next version of dual wield can have the requirement that you are at least a "journeyman" of a melee skill and have 50 agility, so as soon as you meet the requirement, in the next level-up session you can upgrade your "dual wield" perk to the higher level version and get more accuracy or damage out of your dual wielding weapons at the opponents.
But you could also find the teacher that can teach you the improved level of "dual wield" and pay him and maybe attend to the probable quest for him, so that he teaches you the upgraded perk, thus you can upgrade another perk at the next start-up session, or upgrade your "physical damage resistance" for instance for the next level.
And also "Dual weapon parry" perk might need you to be have "dual wield, mark two" as requirement, and the teacher would tell you that you need to know more about "dual wielding" weapons before you can lean the trick, so come back when you are ready.
As an evolutionary move, we can also have spells as perks for their respective skills that players have to learn from their skill masters, so we can have scenarios like this:
You learn a spell from a teacher, but like any other perk, it might have some requirement, like having at least a level of the related magic skill mastery, or a minimum amount of intelligence, being able to cast another spell and so on...
So you increase your destruction magic skill until a destruction magic teacher tells you that now you are ready to learn how to cast frost magic, and he teaches you the "Frost Magic" perk, after that you can learn frost based spells (perks), and as you already have the requirements for the "Frost Bolt" spell, you learn that spell from him, and start to cast frost magic spells.
As your destruction skill advances, you reach the stage that you meet the requirement for "Frost Ball" and as it is an upgrade for "Frost Bolt", then you can get that in the next level-up session, unless the designers had marked that perk with "Requires a teacher to acquire", which would prevent you from learning that in level-up sessions.
The expert teachers of the skills, can have a menu that would list all their available skill perks that you do not have already, and high-light the ones that you can acquire because you meet the requirements.
So you can browse their available perks, and each perk that is selected shows its requirements, and description, and some requirements can be the amount of gold that you have to pay to the teacher.
But after you have selected the perk(or spell), there is still another step, either the teacher ask you that are you sure that you want to learn this trick or skill, or spell and the like? Or he would informs you that he would not teach this trick to just any-body, but if you could prove your worth to him, then he might teach you the trick, and would start to inform you about the quest that he wants you to attend before he teaches you the new perk.
Some of the perks, would affect the players passively, but some others like spells, would add an action to the pool of perk actions available for the players, so that you could select from and perform by a key that could be called "Alternate action" which is different from "Main Attack", "Main Defense", "Activate" and "Foot Action".
So if you have learned "Shield Bash" perk, or "Lightning Fury" spell, you could select that from your available perk actions and perform them as you like.
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OK, that's all folks for now, please give us your opinion of what you think is the best system for character development, and why?