I don't like it. How did it happen? How do I fix it?
I've been the face changer and lowered the eyes to fit the draugr eye height but it just doesn't look right.
I know of no way of removing it without console commands.
What happened was, somehow[Bugthesda] the Draugr ability spell got "attached" to your character after said Draugr's demise. You would have to remove the spell. Which is impossible on consoles that I know of. It's actually an infamous glitch.
What are "Draugr eyes" ?
Are you saying that you have big blue smoldering eyes?
Never heard of this one before
Yes. And not from a mod. This can happen with other abilities. I've had the Wispmother ghostly aura on one of my characters once.
Michael, I am surprised you of all people don't have a prior save...
like Hev said though, without Console Commands I am not aware of any way to get rid of the problem..
So, you could delete your character, or perhaps work it into your RP in some manner? (side effect of a curse, a result of absorbing Dragon Souls, some form of "Divine Intervention", Perhaps they are so skilled Magically they can't fully repress their powers resulting in the glowing eyes)
You probably should. I can't even recall fixing the Wispmother aura I once had[even with console commands] Thankfully, I had an ample amount of saves not far from when it first happened. I only lost a few minutes of game-time[I keep a ridiculous amount of saves...]
As for what triggers it, I have no idea. Even more strange in your case if you truly did not encounter any Draugr yet. Another reason to always have 3 or more saves as "checkpoints."
A curse from me of course. It's how I periodically snatch new nords for Draugrfication. The eyes are just the first symptom.
You could always wear ancient nord armor and role-play one of my honorable warriors.
Shouldn't matter, any race can have their will and beliefs corrupted given the proper situation
Does turning into a vampire and curing yourself works? I'm sure someone thought of that before, but just in case I'm throwing it out there.
In all my hours of playing...I have never seen a bug like that O_o.