Character Ideas and Customization Thread

Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:35 am

:obliviongate:So we all know Skyrim comes out in two months and we are all excited about different features.Maybe you like graphics,someone else is excited for dragons.I am really excited for both of those,but one think I want to look into is Character Ideas you guys have and customization.What I Mean is for ideas maybe a new race or adding a race like Dremora and for customization,what would you name your character,what would you make his race,etc.

Now I have a few ideas for customization and just some ideas for your upcoming Skyrim character you might want to steal from this thread.Here are some of my ideas...

Race Ideas:

Elders-Very Old(Imagine Lord of the Rings Wizard Guys),but are very powerful in magic.When you select this character,your Magicka is raised by 10% and your Intelligence by 15%,but your strength is reduced by 15%.

Dremora-Now I know these are a race already made,but you cant pick them in your character editor.The Dremora is very evil and when you choose him,your strength goes up 15% ,heavy weapons 10%,and heavy armor 10%.Your Intelligence is dubbed down 20% and your speech is dubbed down 15%

Viking-So we know that Skyrim is based during the time of vikings,so why not make a "Viking"Race.The Viking's strength is raised 30% percent,but his intelligence is lowered by 30 %

Vampire-This is in "Oblivion",but in there you have to earn it.You are a blood thirst vampire.Your essence is sustained only by blood.Your Magicka and sneak are raised by 15 %,but your are harmed by sunlight,garlic,and people shun you.

Class Ideas:

Killer-You seem to not be able to refrain from murdering people.Your sneak is raised by 20% and your lightweight weapons skill is raised by 15%,however your intelligence and speech are dubbed down by 15%

Fiend-You are a menace to society.Everything about you is bad.Your pickpocket,sneak,and lightweight armor and weapons skills are raised by fifteen percent,but your intelligence,speech,and magicka are dubbed by 25%

Citizen-You are just a regular citizen like everyone else,Your speech and intelligence are raised 20 %

Customization Ideas:

Names You Can Choose for your future character:

Made Up Names:







Famous Names:




Gray Fox

Lucien Lachance

Dread Father

Night Mother

Raminus Polus



Travern(Or Arch-Mage Travern)

So there you have it.Some name ideas for ya and some ideas for Bethesda to hopefully see.Thanks for reading guys.Post your ideas in the comments and most likely get featured up here!!!

If you could take the time,please do the poll above :D Thank you...

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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:16 pm

haha first vote am i good or what.
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:02 pm

Um. Kudos for taking the time to think out and write out this post, but there's a lot of stuff in there completely contrary to lore. Also, attributes like Strength and Intelligence no longer exist. I'm gonna suggest you research a bit more about the game.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:55 am

Yes, thank you for your time, but other than that this thread serves no purpose, like most threads. So I guess it will keep on forever. *votes*
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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