character ideas.

Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:29 pm

I have searched the nexus, for a mod to inspire me to make a new oblivion character. I found nothing. So I decided to ask for character ideas. I will list characters I have done in the following format.....NAME (Platform) (comment)

  • Total disregaurd for the law (xbox 360) (an argonian theif/assassin)
  • Pure mage (xbox 360) (worked out very well)
  • divine seraphim (PC) (midas magic helped allot with this one)
  • 2 handed fencer (PC) (could have been done a bit better)
  • Archaeologist (PC) (meant to be an assassin, but lost spires got me)
  • engaged man (PC) ( I was low on ideas at this point and it was shockingly supported by the mod comunity.....did not last long)

I prefer light armor over heavy, but open for compromise. I would not be caught dead with an axe or mace. I love stealth, but I am very open for compromise. I find "good and evil" boring and prefer "neutrality" but this is not very supported by oblivion's dialogue, and am open for compromise. I enjoy acrobatics, but will do character's that are not built around it. I prefer blade. I play my OWN GENDER.

and yes I Have played Nehrim

I will list characters that I want to do, but found oblivion does not support....seems skyrim will support these
  • A heroic assassin (like ezio)
  • someone with power over time itself (not many good mods for this one at all)

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Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:30 am

A specialized mage that oly uses 1 school of magic, augmented by Alchemy to get the magic effects you're missing out. Probably works best for Illusion or Conjuration.

A worshiper of a specific Daedric Prince.



An elemental mage/warrior/archer (like a pyromancer, storm knight, or frost archer).

Have you played yet?
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Lillian Cawfield
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