I got the idea of making a new character journal in skyrim who I got from a friend in RL
any thoughts?
I got the idea of making a new character journal in skyrim who I got from a friend in RL
any thoughts?
Look at Hard-core Role-playing restrictions for role-playing, and other character journals. I'm thinking of doing one too BTW.
Where a person role-plays and posts it in journal form, I've seen some and I'm sure I could find the like
Here we are... http://skyrimforums.org/threads/official-thread-of-journals.13881/
My guess would be similar to a diary. Akin to the dairies/books we come across in-game written by various NPCs.
Interesting. I've seen things similar to such on the forums.
Been wanting to do this for some time but i don't think i can be bothered tbh. If you wanna do it go for it man, and maybe even post your characters journal's on the forums , i for one would be interested in reading them.
I did that in my game. then deleted it cause i thought its a bit silly.
Go for it.
It really enhanced my main Dovahkiin's RP experience, though it's gotten to the point where I focus on writing the journal more than actually playing the game.