I think that those people who found the Oblivion faces ugly are too brainwashed by Hollywood. I was thrilled first time I saw the character creation in Oblivion and saw that the characters won't look like Conan or a boob-girl with fanservice and way too much make-up. The NPCs don't look ugly, they look realistic. If you find that ugly, the world is going in a very sad direction indeed.
In think those people who found the oblivion faces ugly don't realize that, at it's launch, it was pretty much top end. the facegen system is actually damn fine kit imo.
While I completely understand the need to optimize the system, and sadly there is a great need. ie only 1 head for both male and females, and 1 skele and animation set for all races, I will have to admit that i find it severely impacting the final product. And there are several choices that were made that could have enhanced the system without any impact at all. Many of these things were actually done for F3. For which i am grateful and have given me optimism for the future :disguise:
A bit harsh but I fully understand where you're coming from and you could have been addressing this directly me. I was as guilty as any other noob modeller. Luckily for us all I stopped though.

What, stopped modding? or just wised up to the game? cos if it is the former I don't think anyone is lucky. I knew from day one you had 'it'. One of my handful of artists I would want to collab with. :icecream: