Character Name Help

Post » Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:17 am

Hello, I'm about to make a whole new character. I have all the things set out; hair colour, eyes and race. Plus the type he will be, which will be chaotic neutral.

But, I'm stuck with his name. So, I thought, you guys could help if I have some info on him, a mini back-story and what I hope for him to be.


Race: Altmer

Age: 38, still looks in early 20s as most Altmer do look young-ish.

Hair: Brown

Skin: Pale Yellow

Eyes: Gold, then red after planned vamperism.

Gender: Male

Persona: Only looks out for himself, serious often, magically gifted but in heavy denial, seeks vengeance on Stormcloaks, prideful but good at masking it, sneaky and manipulative. He is also a big faker to please others, all for personal goals.

ROUGH Bio: (This was just put down, as it's a first draft I guess)

He was raised on the Summerset Isles. His mother, Niana, was kind. His dad was not and would burn him and his mother, then storm out. The boy was glad when his father left them to join the Thalmor, albeit disappointed.

As he grew up, now 17, his mother decided it wasn't safe to live on the Summerset Isles any more so they moved. They took one of the last boats to go around to their new home, Skyrim. Niana and her son arrived in the first port, Solitude. She was too nervous around all the walls though, so they trekked on foot to a less-crowded place known as Rorikstead. It was all very peaceful, but the money they arrived with was dwindling over the course of a year. By now he was 18 and agreed to go to a mining town called Dark Water Pass to earn money then send it back to her.

So he moved and arrived there within days. He mined for a long time, and taught himself how to fend off the nature that threatened him and the other miners, dabbling into destruction magic too. He wasn't nice though and stuck to himself.

There was a persistent Bosmer girl who, over the course of 20 long working years together, had caught his heart though. Her name was Ferha (Fur-rha), she was very pretty. He was also eventually surprised by a visit of his mother, she was bored with the farmers life and wanted to live with him, to earn her own wage.

Before he could respond, Ulfric Stormcloak came through to rest. His guards were especially unkind to him and his mother because of their race. Now, at the time, this Altmer was reasonable and polite. But some of Ulfrics guards were feeling frustrated, and demanded that Ferha keep them company. Naturally, he stepped up and defended his lover. They laughed and got angry when he punched one of them out as he charged to take Ferha.

The soldiers up roared and Ulfric let them do as they please. They took Ferha and Niana, holding that young Altmer man at bay while they cut the two most important people to him's throats. Ulfric then decided it was time to go, and they left him crying over his mother and lover. He got angry then, and felt a spark in his hands.

Lightening cast from him in his rage, he chased off to take them down, and walked into the Imperial trap they were also caught in. Only difference was that he was going off, killing Imperials and Stormcloaks. Then, something struck his head and he was knocked out.

Major Skills: Light Armour, Destruction, One-Handed, Sneak and Illusion

Minor Skills: Archery, Speechcraft, Enchanting and Smithing

So, any names you can suggest? :happy:

Any would help greatly, even full names or just first names -bows-

Thank you.

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Post » Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:11 am

quite a few Elven names in there

every Altmer name in TES

Lore-friendly name generator

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Anna Watts
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Post » Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:35 am

Banana Mer
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Post » Mon Nov 18, 2013 5:00 am

Run this until it gives you one you like. That's what I do.

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